The United States released the 2022 “notorious market” list, calling WeChat one of the largest counterfeit platforms

On February 1, Beijing time, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released the 2022 “Notorious Market” list on Tuesday, continuing to include WeChat in it, and calling WeChat “one of the largest counterfeit platforms in China.” Other Chinese platforms included in the list include online marketplaces AliExpress, Baidu Wangpan, DHgate, Pinduoduo and Taobao, which were previously included in the list. “The Notorious Markets List is an important tool to urge action by the private sector and our trading partners to combat these harmful practices,” USTR said Tuesday. | Related reading (Fengwang Technology)

Uncle Gun

Although this list does not explain anything, it also explains part of the problem. I checked the entire report and found that was not on the list, which is the same as the feelings of ordinary consumers.’s self-operated platform is the same as Tmall, which is more trustworthy, but Taobao and Pinduoduo are relatively speaking. It’s worse.

As for why Baidu Netdisk is on the list, I believe that friends who like movies and music will know this pirate distribution center well. USTR’s report can also be said to hit the nail on the head. The report pointed out that users of online disks can share links to files stored in their accounts with other users, and infringers widely share pirated movies and TV shows. Right holders must repeatedly communicate with Baidu to ensure that pirated content will not appear again. platform, but little progress has been made in Baidu’s efforts to suspend or terminate the infringer’s repeated infringements.

In the physical market, China’s Huaqiangbei and Silk Street are on the list. I believe that domestic consumers are well aware that this kind of market can be said to be full of fakes.

the stars

Everything in China is notorious, why is the United States not confident?

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