Tianshu Zhixin completed a new round of financing exceeding RMB 1 billion to accelerate the innovation and development of independent general-purpose GPUs

On July 13, 2022, China’s first general-purpose GPU high-end chip and high-performance computing power system provider – Shanghai Tianshu Zhixin Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Tianshu Zhixin”) announced the completion of C + round and C++ round of financing. The C+ round was led by Financial Street Capital, and the C++ round was led by Hopu Investments and its subsidiary Hoan Innovation Fund (ie, a joint venture fund management company between Hopu Investments and ARM, a world-renowned semiconductor technology IP company). Zhongguancun Science City Science and Technology Growth Fund, Shanghai Guosheng, Xicheng Zhiyuan, Emerging Assets, Dingxiang Capital, Dingli Capital, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Industry and Finance, Shanghai Free Trade Zone Equity Fund and other well-known enterprises and institutions participated in the investment. This round of financing will help the company to mass-produce the AI ​​inference chip Zhikai 100, develop the second and third generation AI training chips Tiangai 200 and 300, expand the Tianshu Zhixin software platform, accelerate the integration of AI and graphics, and provide computing power infrastructure and digital society. Strong basic computing power.

Tianshu Zhixin 7nm reasoning chip——Intelligent Armor 100

Tianshu Zhixin successfully launched the first 7nm cloud training general-purpose GPU product in China – Tiangai 100 in December 2020, and officially released it in March 2021. By the end of March 2022, Tiangai 100 products have been sold The order is nearly 200 million yuan, assisting customers to land more than 200 application scenarios. In May 2022, the second product, the 7nm cloud-edge reasoning chip “Intelligent Armor 100”, was successfully lit up, and the product iterative development and wide commercial application are far ahead of domestic counterparts.

“The sudden epidemic has caused many companies to face major challenges, and integrated circuit companies are not surprised. Under this circumstance, Tianshu Zhixin successfully obtained financing against the trend, which is undoubtedly the great trust of capital in Tianshu Zhixin.” Chairman of Tianshu Zhixin Diao Shijing, CEO and CEO, said: “This round of financing will further promote the company’s development. In the future, Tianshu Zhixin will keep its development mission in mind, base itself on the vast Chinese market, strengthen independent innovation, and explore the development path of general-purpose GPUs to catch up and surpass.”

Lv Jianping, Chief Technology Officer of Tianshu Zhixin, pointed out: “The trust of capital is a huge driving force for Tianshu Zhixin to continue to grow. Tianshu Zhixin will adhere to the path of independent development, with DSA generalization, graphics computing, computing graphics, and hardware micro-differentiation. In order to meet the requirements, based on the successful mass production of Tiangai 100, we will continuously improve product performance, develop Tiangai series follow-up products that surpass the international market and meet the national conditions, Tiangai 200 and Tiangao 300.”

Talking about this investment, Cheng Ruiqi, chairman of Financial Street Capital, pointed out: “GPGPU is the infrastructure of my country’s new generation of information technology computing power base in the future, and it is also the basic channel for building a digital and intelligent city. Financial Street Capital continues to be optimistic about China’s semiconductor industry. Prospects and technical strength of Tianshu Zhixin, we have seen Tianshu Zhixin’s innovative strength in tackling general GPU core technology and the company’s management’s forward-looking capacity layout capabilities. We hope that this round of financing can help Tianshu Zhixin accelerate the mass production process. The general-purpose GPU market expanded further and continued to lead the independent general-purpose GPU track.

Fang Fenglei, founder and chairman of Hopu Investments, said: “With the advancement of 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, IoT and other technologies, the demand for computing power will increase. Just master the initiative of development.” Lin Sihan, head and managing director of Houan Innovation Fund, said: “GPU is a key element to promote the development of computing power. Tianshu Zhixin has a very deep technical accumulation in this field and has successfully realized commercial We look forward to Tianshu Zhixin’s ability to empower industrial development with computing power and promote the intelligent transformation of all walks of life.”

Zhu Ping, general manager of Zhongguancun Science City Technology Growth Fund Manager, Zhongguancun Science City Innovation and Development Co., Ltd. said: “Tianshu Zhixin has a top general-purpose GPU R&D team with rich industry experience, and its research and development cloud training product – Tiangai 100 has been It has been verified by the market. We are optimistic about such a down-to-earth company, and hope to develop and build an ecosystem together with this company.” With the advent of the intelligent era, the rise of independent general-purpose GPU chips is accelerating, bringing infinite possibilities.

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