Towards the “Countyless Era”? ——Summary and Reflection on the Practice of Dismantling Counties into Districts in Contemporary China

【Abstract】As an important means to implement new-type urbanization and coordinated regional development, the establishment of districts into counties has been widely used in many cities in recent years, leading to the question of “the era of no counties”. This article analyzes the removal of counties and districts in contemporary China from different levels of “what is”, “why” and “where”. By reviewing the temporal and spatial evolution of counties and districts since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is judged that the counties and districts have entered an overall shrinking stage, which is still dominated by economic factors, and the regional agglomeration continues to increase. Sub-center city transfer. Based on the new development stage, the construction of a new development pattern of domestic and international dual circulation and the requirements of urban governance modernization provide a new source of power for the removal of counties into districts. From the perspective of legal analysis, the decommissioning of counties into districts is essentially a constitutional system related to the allocation and interaction of state power. It should return to the road of rule of law, follow the norms, principles and spirit established by the constitution, and conform to the law of its own development of decommissioning counties into districts. On the whole, the removal of counties into districts will not lead to the disappearance of the county system. In the future, it is necessary to formulate an administrative division law to build a legal guarantee system for administrative divisions.

【Key words】 Removal of counties into districts, change of administrative divisions, “14th Five-Year Plan” period, rule of law, county system

1. Questions

“Only Wang built the country, distinguished the party and the right position, organized the country’s affairs, set up officials and divided positions, and considered the people’s poles.” ①As one of the main forms of redistribution of state power, administrative divisions have become an important policy tool for governing the country and the state in all dynasties. In this regard, Xi Jinping pointed out that administrative divisions themselves are also an important resource (Xi Jinping, 2017). With the increasing tension between the relative stability of administrative divisions and the flexibility of urban economic zones, the adjustment of administrative divisions has become an important means of regional development management (Chen Xiaohua, 2013). Today, under the premise of adhering to the overall stability of the administrative division system, local administrative divisions have undergone several changes, and diversified forms of division change have been derived. During the period of comprehensively deepening reforms, the contradiction between the large-scale agglomeration of population caused by rapid urbanization and the incompatibility of urban spatial layout has become increasingly prominent. Through zoning changes, the spatial structure and layout of administrative areas have been optimized to promote the free flow and efficient agglomeration of various elements in space. , has become the leading target of zoning changes in the new era (Zhang Keyun and Li Chen, 2021). Optimizing the setting of administrative divisions is not only an important measure of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, but also an important clue for understanding the governance of China.

As the basic unit of the national structure and the most stable administrative unit, the adjustment of the county system has the most direct impact on regional economic development and social governance. County governance is an important part of promoting the modernization of national governance. The form of zoning change in urban construction and grassroots development has played an important role in governance. Especially in recent years, the widespread application of removing counties into districts has led to the question of “the era of no counties”. The development trend, in-depth understanding of the logical reasons for removing counties and setting up districts, and scientifically standardizing the practice of removing counties and setting up districts have become an important part of understanding county governance and development.

It is generally believed that the adjustment of administrative divisions is a political behavior of the state, and the practice and norms surrounding administrative divisions are mainly concentrated in the field of political science. However, from the root point of view, the essence of administrative division change is the constitutional system related to the allocation and interaction of state power. Correspondingly, the Chinese Constitution has also made principled provisions on administrative divisions, which generally maintain continuity and stability in content. The change of administrative divisions has become an important topic in legal research and even constitutional research. The rule of law is the only way for the modernization of national governance, and it is also an important guide for the work of dismantling counties into districts in the future. support. This article does not simply discuss a certain case of the removal of counties into districts through the method of logic and demonstration, but from different levels, the overall understanding and grasp of the removal of counties into districts as an important means of implementing new urbanization and coordinated regional development, based on its Finally, from the perspective of the rule of law, it explores how to realize the rule of law norms of removing counties into districts in the future.

2. Literature Review: The Concealment and Appearance of the Research on Dismantling Counties and Districts

After the reform and opening up, due to the extensive application of administrative division adjustment, a comprehensive and systematic theoretical exploration of administrative division adjustment has also been carried out. Some studies summarize the historical evolution of administrative divisions, aiming to explore the development law of administrative divisions and provide theoretical guidance for the reform of administrative divisions (Zhou Zhenhe, 2009). More research mainly focuses on the basic theory of administrative division management. On the basis of clarifying the connotation, elements, and principles of administrative divisions, theoretical reflections on the establishment of administrative divisions at all levels and various types are carried out, and corresponding reform ideas and specific strategies are put forward (Pu Shan). Xin, 2006; Tian Suisheng et al., 2005). Due to the late peak of the practice of removing counties and setting up districts, for a long time, a large number of studies on removing counties and setting up districts have been hidden in the overall study of administrative division adjustment, and further divided into three sub-questions: first, the driving force of administrative division adjustment What is the source? Second, what is the implementation effect of the administrative division adjustment? Third, how to scientifically and effectively regulate the adjustment of administrative divisions?

First, the source of power for the adjustment of administrative divisions. Most studies show that at different stages of economic development and urbanization levels in different regions, it is necessary to establish a corresponding urban administrative system and form an administrative pattern that is unified with the economic and regional structure, but the focus of each study is different. From the perspective of optimizing resource allocation, promoting urban and rural development, and adjusting urban spatial structure, it discusses its internal relationship with administrative division adjustment (Wang Kaiyong and Chen Tian, ​​2020; Li Yi, 2019; Wang Tinglin, 2017). Some studies have begun to notice that the economic logic of administrative division adjustment still exists, but it is weakened by the logic of political and spatial governance (Kuang Zhensheng, 2020). At present, it is necessary to promote the optimization of administrative divisions to develop in depth from the strategic height of the modernization of national governance (Lin Tuo and Wang Shichen, 2017). Specifically, when counties were withdrawn into districts, the prominent contradiction between cities and counties led to the establishment of districts into counties (Xiao Lihui and Ma Guochun, 2012). Dismantling a county into a district involves the adjustment of power relations, and the unification and concentration of the county’s financial and planning rights (Wu Jinqun and Liao Chaochao, 2018). In addition, the removal of counties into districts is also a powerful tool for the central government to promote urbanization (Tang Wei and Wang Yuan, 2015).

Second, the effects of administrative division adjustment are multifaceted. Studies have shown that the adjustment of administrative divisions has not only effectively enhanced the advantages of administrative divisions, and eliminated spatial and administrative barriers (Wang Kaiyong and Feng Rundong, 2020), but also played a positive role in building a sound metropolitan area governance system and promoting the process of urbanization. (Ji Xiaole, Wei Jian, 2019), and has a strong resource effect (Wang Kaiyong et al., 2019). However, some studies have drawn the opposite conclusion based on empirical data: the adjustment of administrative divisions does not always promote regional economic growth, and may even hinder economic growth in a certain region and period (Gao Lingling and Sun Haiming, 2015). This logic is supported by empirical evidence. Based on case analysis, some studies have found that the effect of administrative division adjustment in accelerating regional economic growth is not significant (Lv Kaibo and Liu Xiaobing, 2014). The removal of counties into districts has significantly improved the quality of the local economic development, among which the active and adaptive type of removal of counties into districts has a more obvious effect (Zhan Xinyu and Zeng Fuwen, 2021), and has played an active role in restraining housing prices and promoting enterprise development ( Wang Fenglong, Zhang Chuanyong, 2017; Zhong Yuejun, Liang Chao, 2021). In addition to the economic effects, removing counties into districts can also effectively promote urban construction and alleviate the imbalance of urbanization development (Zhou Shaofu and Xu Shunwei, 2020; Yang Tongbin et al., 2020).

Finally, how to scientifically regulate the adjustment of administrative divisions becomes the foothold of the study of administrative divisions. On the basis of summarizing the history and characteristics of administrative division adjustment, some studies put forward the basic principles and key contents that should be adhered to in administrative division adjustment (Wang Jianchang and Li Jianbing, 2010; Zhang Keyun and Li Chen, 2021). After the introduction of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, some studies have put forward the general ideas and specific strategies for optimizing the setting of administrative divisions based on the relationship between administrative divisions and spatial governance (Wang Kaiyong and Chen Tian, ​​2020). In terms of specific implementation, the adjustment direction of county-level administrative divisions should be scientifically determined according to the degree of economic coupling and the strength of economic ties with the city to which they belong (Yang Lin and Xue Qiqi, 2017). From the aspects of transforming government functions and innovating the administrative management system, it returns to the scientific norms of removing counties and establishing districts (Li Jinlong and Zhai Guoliang, 2016). Before and after the promulgation of the Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions, the issue of legalization of changes in administrative divisions has received attention. Some studies have discussed the changes of administrative divisions and even the removal of counties into districts from the aspects of reconstructing the basic principles of changes in administrative divisions, improving change procedures, and strengthening legislation. The issue of the rule of law (Wu Gengyou and Zhou Youyong, 2020; Ma Huaide, 2016; Li Lei, 2016).

Existing research provides an important foundation for our understanding of removing counties into districts, but it still has certain limitations. From the perspective of the research object, compared with the major topic of administrative division change, the research on the removal of counties into districts is obviously insufficient, and it is implicit in the generalization of the academic history of administrative divisions, and there is a lack of special and systematic sorting and summary ( Wang Yuxi, Zhang En, 2021). From the perspective of research content, existing research is mainly based on a single perspective such as public management, geography, and political science. The research, especially from the perspective of law, is obviously insufficient. From the perspective of research methods, although some studies have adopted empirical analysis methods, the integrity of the experience level is not high due to local data. In particular, the analysis of the problem is limited to individual cases, ignoring the differences within the county and the district. Only by removing the overall experience of the counties and districts to discuss, can we have realistic observations and reflections. This forms the research space of this paper.

With the continuous emergence of counties and districts since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the special function orientation of county-level divisions, the systemic, particularity and diversity of the study of county-level divisions should be more prominent. Accordingly, this study adopts the method of empirical analysis and attempts to conduct a special study on the removal of counties and districts from three levels: the first is the “what is” level, that is, to summarize the temporal and spatial evolution of the removal of counties and districts since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Grasp the removal of counties into districts in contemporary China, and judge the development trend of the removal of counties into districts; the second is the “why” level, that is, based on the new national development strategy, to capture the main logical reasons for the removal of counties into districts among many influencing factors; The third is the level of “where to go”, that is, returning to the system norm itself, and exploring the optimization method of removing counties and setting up districts in the future.

3. What is the division of counties into districts: an analysis based on temporal and spatial changes

In order to correctly understand the decommissioning of counties and districts in contemporary China, it is necessary to analyze and grasp the practice of decommissioning counties and districts from the perspective of space and time. From the perspective of evolution, predict and evaluate the development trajectory of removing counties into districts.

(1) Removing counties into districts in the time dimension

In the early days of the founding of New China, the central government stipulated that district governments should be established in cities with a population of more than 100,000. At that time, Xie Juezai said: “If there is no district level in a larger city, the opportunities for people to participate in politics will be reduced, and there are many things that the municipal people’s government can do directly… Districts in cities are different from districts in rural areas. It is the assistant of the municipal people’s government in handling affairs… The establishment of district level in a big city should make the municipal people’s government more sensitive and in-depth in handling affairs for the citizens because of the district level.” (Xie Juezai, 1950) It can be seen that most of the initially established municipal districts are not first-level political units, but the dispatched agencies of the municipal government. As assistants in urban management and services, they reflect a strong color of administrative division (Zhao Jujun, 2018) . In addition to assisting the municipal government in strengthening urban management and providing services, the establishment of districts at this stage is, to a greater extent, out of the need for democratic governance. In 1950, a total of 198 municipal districts were established nationwide. ③

With the recovery and development of the national economy and the consolidation of the new regime, more and more municipal districts have been established. Based on a summary of practice, the 1954 Constitution stipulates: “Municipality directly under the Central Government and larger cities are divided into districts.” At the same time, the Organic Law of Local People’s Congresses and Local People’s Committees at all levels stipulates that municipal districts establish people’s congresses and people’s committees. The municipal district began to transform from the internal structure of the city to the first-level local administrative unit of the city. However, since then, the municipal districts have not ushered in growth, but have declined. This is due to: first, the level of economic development and urbanization during this period was relatively low, the city’s zoning power was insufficient, and the previous municipal districts were relatively chaotic. , At this time, the internal integration of municipal districts is mainly carried out, and the phenomenon of changing counties to districts is rare. Second, in order to avoid the unreasonable phenomenon in the establishment of the municipal system, the State Council decided in 1955: “Cities with a population of more than 200,000, if it is really necessary to divide them into districts, can set up municipal districts… More should be established.” ④ On the one hand, it established the double standard of “population” and “necessity” in the establishment of municipal districts; ⑤ On the other hand, it clarified the principle of “should not establish more”. Against this background, the number of municipal districts has decreased (see Figure 1).

After the reform and opening up, the change of administrative divisions has been widely used. The removal of counties into cities and the removal of counties into districts have become the two main methods of division change to promote urbanization, and 1997 is an important time node (see Figure 2). Before 1997, the number of county-level cities showed an upward trend year by year, while the number of counties decreased from 2,009 in 1978 to 1,520 in 1997. Excluding the merger between counties and the dismantling of counties into districts, counties during this period were The number of declines is roughly equal to the growth of county-level cities. At the same time, although the number of municipal districts increased by 319, there were only 66 cases of decommissioning counties into districts. The growth of municipal districts was mainly due to the establishment of new districts rather than the transformation of counties into districts. The removal of counties into cities was the main type of zoning change during this period. . After the decommissioning of counties and cities was suspended in 1997, the number of municipal districts, counties, and county-level cities increased inversely. The number of municipal districts increased from 737 in 1998 to 977 in 2021, while the number of counties decreased by 215. The number of cities and counties at the county level decreased by 43, and the number of reductions in county-level cities and counties was roughly equal to the increase in the number of municipal districts. At this stage, the removal of counties into districts has become the main type of zoning change, which is a further optimization of administrative divisions on the basis of the previous removal of counties into cities.

Judging from the changes in the number of counties withdrawn into districts over the years (see Figure 3), there have been two “peaks” after the reform and opening up: First, from 1997 to 2002, there were 114 cases of county withdrawals Set up districts. Since the removal of counties into cities in 1997 was strictly controlled, the removal of counties into districts was widely used as a continuation of the policy of removing counties into cities. Therefore, the main method of removing counties into districts at this time was to change county-level cities into districts. There were 67 cases, counties Only 47 cases have been changed. Since population urbanization and land urbanization have not achieved simultaneous development, the practical effect of removing counties into districts needs to be further tested. Cities are also turning to other means, such as district-county mergers. The second is that from 2013 to 2016, after nearly ten years of silence, the county and districts ushered in a new peak of development. With the advancement of “new urbanization with Chinese characteristics” after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the implementation of fiscal reform measures for counties directly managed by the province, the removal of counties into districts has once again become the main means of zoning changes to adapt to the economic policy of this period. On the one hand, this avoids the weakening of the management power of the original administrative area brought about by the reform of the county directly under the jurisdiction of the province, and expands the development space of the central city through the unified planning and management of the municipal district. On the other hand, under the circumstance that the scale of cities continues to expand and the demand for the flow of production factors continues to increase in the new period, the decommissioning of counties into districts is a reflection of the economic development situation in this period in terms of zoning. However, since 2017, the number of counties and districts has been shrinking significantly. Over the years, there have been fewer than ten cases. The total number of counties and districts in the past five years is only about one-third of the total from 2013 to 2016. Judging from the development stage of removing counties and setting up districts and the current practice of removing counties and setting up districts, this shrinking trend will continue for a long time.

(2) Dismantling counties into districts in the spatial dimension

The relocation of counties into districts is the embodiment of regional economic development at the level of administrative divisions. The different needs of economic development and urban construction in various regions bring about regional differences in the relocation of counties into districts. Overall, since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the practice of removing counties and setting up districts in the seven regions of the country varies greatly (see Table 1). example. From the perspective of the four major economic divisions, the removal of counties into districts mainly occurred in the eastern region, accounting for 42.9%, of which Jiangsu, Shandong, and Guangdong accounted for the most, with 27, 25, and 23 cases, respectively. The second is the western region with 105 cases, most of which are in Sichuan, Chongqing and Shaanxi. There are 81 cases in the central region and 22 in the northeast region. Judging from the overall distribution and quantitative comparison within regions, the practice of removing counties into districts is in line with the hierarchical differences in the process of urbanization and economic and social development in my country.

From the perspective of different historical periods, there are also great differences in the geographical distribution of counties and districts (see Figure 4). First, before the reform and opening up, counties were seldom set up into districts. There were only 19 cases involving 8 provinces, and 16 cases were concentrated in North China. Among them, the municipalities directly under the Central Government had the most cases, with 10 cases in Beijing and Tianjin. Political factors became the main reason for the removal of counties into districts during this period. Second, from 1978 to 1997, during this period, there were 66 cases in which the counties were divided into districts, involving 21 provinces. With the exception of South China, large cities in other parts of the country have continued to withdraw from counties and set up districts. Compared with the previous practice, the regionalization is stronger but the degree of agglomeration is still low. The focus of removing counties and setting up districts shifted from North China to East China and Central China, with 22 and 19 cases, respectively, mainly concentrated in the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta. Third, the period from 1998 to 2012 was the period with the largest number of counties and districts in the four stages, with a total of 146 cases involving 26 provinces. East China is still the most important agglomeration area, and its implementation scope is wider than that in the past two periods; followed by Southwest China. During this period, the regional agglomeration of removing counties into districts continued to increase, and the number of counties and districts between different regions was roughly equal, showing the characteristics of contiguous multi-centers. most groups. Fourth, from 2013 to 2021, a total of 133 cases of evacuation from counties to districts occurred nationwide, involving 27 provinces, mainly in East China, Southwest China, and North China. Compared with the previous stage, the number of counties and districts in North China, Southwest China and Northeast China has increased, and other regions have declined. During this period, the area where counties were withdrawn into districts was more intensive, covered a wider range, and the trend of contiguousness was more obvious. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration had the most counties and districts during this period, followed by the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, Chengdu Chongqing urban agglomeration.

Specifically, from the perspective of the type of municipal system that removes counties into districts, it can be divided into four categories: municipalities directly under the Central Government, provincial capital cities, special economic zones, and other prefecture-level cities. Statistics found that there were 53 cases in municipalities directly under the Central Government, 49 cases in 18 provincial capital cities, 5 cases in three special economic zones in Xiamen, Zhuhai and Shantou, and 257 cases in 166 other prefecture-level cities. Although other prefecture-level cities have the largest number of cases of removing counties into districts, in terms of the frequency of occurrence, municipalities directly under the Central Government have the highest frequency of removing counties into districts, with about 13 cases in each municipality. Followed by provincial capital cities, each provincial capital city has about 3 cases, of which Chengdu and Nanjing have the most, while other prefecture-level cities have an average of about 1.5 cases. This is because municipalities and provincial capitals have higher levels of urbanization, larger economies, stronger demands for development space in central urban areas, and greater radiating and driving effects on surrounding counties. frequently. In addition, the expansion of counties and districts to other prefecture-level cities in a wider range is mainly concentrated after 2012. For example, in the past ten years, 12 cases of Shandong’s removal of counties into districts involved 10 prefecture-level cities, and 10 cases of Guangdong’s removal of counties into districts. Involves 9 prefecture-level cities.

(3) Judgment based on the temporal and spatial evolution of counties and districts

Based on the analysis of the temporal and spatial changes of the county and districts, it is helpful to grasp the future development trend of the county-by-county division. First, on the general trend, the removal of counties into districts will enter a new round of contraction. First of all, after the past two peak periods, a large number of first- and second-tier cities have completed the corresponding adjustment of administrative divisions. Looking at the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, many third- and fourth-tier cities have put the removal of counties into districts on the agenda, and deliberately pursued “No county”, the situation of rushing up and blindly withdrawing counties is not in line with the development law of removing counties into districts and the actual development of cities. The actual effect of some existing counties and districts has not been obvious, and even “pseudo-urbanization” has occurred. At this time, it is more necessary to “cool down” and “correct deviation” from the removal of counties and districts, and change from active promotion to precise control. Secondly, the adjustment of administrative divisions itself has a strong stage feature. After the decommissioning of counties into cities was suspended in 1997, the decommissioning of counties into districts began to enter a period of rapid development. After the trough period, a series of policies issued after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China once again stimulated the implementation of the removal of counties into districts. At present, China has entered a period of urbanization construction with county towns as an important carrier, and the removal of counties into districts will enter a new stage of contraction.

Second, in terms of influencing factors, the economic factor is the main factor but not the decisive factor for removing counties into districts. The administrative division as the superstructure is determined by the economic base. Although there are differences in the motivation of removing counties into districts at different stages, in general, the practical development of removing counties into districts has always been consistent with the level of economic development and urbanization development in different periods and regions. Before the reform and opening up, the motive for removing counties into districts was relatively simple, and economic factors were not the main consideration during this period. The deepening of reform and opening up and the improvement of urbanization have promoted the widespread use of counties and districts. In the future, counties and districts must not be separated from the fundamentals of economic development, such as industrial development, fiscal revenue, and transportation conditions. Of course, the optimization and improvement of the county system is still the result of a combination of factors.

Third, in terms of practical characteristics, the regional agglomeration of removing counties into districts continues to increase. Judging from the current situation of the development of counties and districts, the trend of dismantling counties into districts is more obvious, and the degree of agglomeration has been continuously improved. The multi-centralized development of the center has formed a development trend from decentralized to centralized. With the introduction of the policy of steadily advancing the construction of urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas, in order to realize the integration of counties or suburbs with central cities, the removal of counties into districts in the future will mostly occur in metropolitan areas and large urban agglomerations, and the characteristics of regional agglomeration will continue to increase.

Fourth, in terms of the scope of implementation, the removal of counties into districts has shifted from coastal areas to inland areas, and from central cities to sub-central cities. Affected by the economic foundation and the strategy of “strengthening provincial capitals”, municipalities directly under the Central Government and provincial capitals have achieved urban expansion through a large number of counties and districts. The decommissioning of counties into districts in cities tends to be saturated, and the demand for decommissioning counties into districts from sub-central cities continues to increase. In the past, decommissioning counties into districts has been expanding from municipalities directly under the Central Government and provincial capital cities to general prefecture-level cities, with 148 cases in the past ten years. Among the counties and districts, there were 105 cases in non-municipalities and provincial capitals. In addition, due to the influence of the level of economic development and the needs of urban governance, East China has always been the main area where counties have been removed and divided into districts. However, with the acceleration of urbanization in the northwest and southwest regions, the number of cases of removing counties and setting up districts is increasing and the growth rate exceeds that of other regions, forming a development trend extending from the coast to the inland, from east China to the northwest and southwest.

4. Why did the decommissioning of counties into districts happen: economic logic and governance logic

Different types and stages of administrative division changes have different sources of power, and any type of administrative division change is by no means the result of a single factor. The reflection of economic and social development and governance needs in zoning in a certain period. Based on the new development stage, the logical reasons for removing counties into districts mainly include economic factors and governance factors.

(1) The new development pattern of domestic and international dual circulation provides guidance for the new era of dismantling counties into districts

The global value chain has become a prominent feature of the world economic cycle. However, due to the adverse flow of economic globalization, unilateralism and protectionism prevail, and especially the COVID-19 epidemic has had a huge impact on the world economic order and governance structure, which has caused the world economic growth pattern. Major adjustments, coupled with the continuous expansion of my country’s economic aggregate and domestic demand in recent years, have led to a decrease in the external dependence of China’s economy, a decline in the status of the external circulation, and an increase in the status of the internal circulation. It is for this reason that the “14th Five-Year Plan” regards the construction of a new development pattern of domestic and international dual circulation as one of the guiding ideologies for future economic and social development. The new development pattern requires readjusting the original development model of participating in the formation of the global value chain, improving the viability of my country’s economy, realizing the transformation from passive to active opening to the outside world (Zhang Qianxiao and Li Jialin, 2021), and realizing the international circular strategy from export-oriented industrialization , the strategic transformation to a new development pattern of domestic and international dual circulation with urbanization and industrialization as the core (Zhang Ping, Yang Yaowu, 2021).

The domestic cycle in the new development pattern is a big cycle based on a unified domestic market, and a virtuous cycle of the national economy based on regional economic integration that gets rid of local protection and industry monopoly. Therefore, a corresponding resource allocation system needs to be adapted to it. Putting the foothold of development in the country, providing products and services to the domestic market and using domestic production factors to a greater extent (Tang Duoduo et al., 2020), this puts forward a higher level of free flow of market factors and efficient allocation of resources. It is required that the “administrative regional economy” with market segmentation no longer has room for reasonable existence. The opinions issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on accelerating the construction of a unified national market are aimed at implementing the strategy of the new development pattern and smoothing the domestic circulation. As the spatial carrier of various resources, administrative division adjustment is an important driving force for realizing the concentration of various production factors in advantageous areas and forming a regional economic development pattern. Central cities and urban agglomerations are also the main spatial forms to achieve high-quality regional economic development. In order to achieve the goal of “leading the development of urban agglomerations with central cities and driving regional development with urban agglomerations”, more attention should be paid to optimizing the setting of administrative divisions. (The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Large National Market, 2022)

Xi Jinping pointed out that the urban-rural economic cycle is the proper meaning of the domestic cycle, and it is also a key factor to ensure a healthy domestic and international dual cycle ratio (Xi Jinping, 2022). The county economy is not only the micro-foundation for the construction of a new development pattern of domestic and international dual circulation, but also an important carrier for the coordinated development of urban and rural economies. In order to realize the concentration of various production factors in advantageous areas, it is necessary to break the situation of urban-rural division under the dual system of urban and rural areas, solve the problem of unbalanced regional development, take new-type urbanization as a new development pole, and accelerate the coordinated development of regional economy. By changing the suburban counties adjacent to the central city into municipal districts, making full use of the county’s land resources, transferring and relieving the population, industry and commerce in the central urban area to the new urban area, thus breaking through the bottleneck of urban development and solving the supply and demand of the development space of the central city contradiction. Correspondingly, the county should be continuously transformed into the internal functional structure of the city, accelerate the linkage between the original county and the central urban area of ​​population, industry, transportation and other factors, strengthen the radiation and driving effect on the hinterland of the county, and then coordinate the regional integrated development. Existing evidence shows that the agglomeration effect brought about by the expansion of urban scale through the removal of counties into districts affects the economic development of the jurisdiction, and can improve the allocation efficiency of resources among industries within the city (Deng Huihui and Pan Xueting, 2020). It can be said that, driven by the construction of a new development pattern of domestic and international dual circulation, decommissioning counties into districts is still a “good medicine” to expand urban space, expand urban economic volume, and improve urban energy level.

(2) The modernization of urban governance puts forward new requirements for the removal of counties into districts

Urban governance modernization is an important part of national governance modernization, and strengthening and innovating urban governance is the core content of national governance. In urban governance, although administrative division is not the decisive factor, it is the spatial basis for the reform and operation of the urban management system. Specifically, the modernization of urban governance requires: first, to realize the self-adjustment of the management range and management level of urban administrative divisions, and to improve the governance efficiency of urban administrative organizations; second, to enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of the city in the process of population urbanization.

Changes in the relationship between cities and counties have always been accompanied by the evolution of administrative division adjustment. At the prefecture-level city level, although the city-county system has cultivated some central cities and strengthened the economic connection between urban and rural areas to a certain extent, it is a planned economy. A product of the times, the forced use of administrative means to bind cities and counties clearly does not match the values ​​of equal competition, free association, mutual benefit and win-win advocated by the market economy (Pu Shanxin, 2006). “City scraping county” and prefecture-level cities suppressing the county economy have led to prominent conflicts between cities and counties. In order to unify the planning of the central city and its counties, coordinate the overall development of prefecture-level cities, and ease the friction of economic interests between cities and counties, it has become a simple and direct path to remove counties and establish districts. In addition to the city-controlled county system, the implementation of the province-directed county-administered system in recent years has also stimulated the implementation of the removal of counties into districts within a certain range. By reducing administrative levels and implementing a “flat” administrative management system, the counties directly under the provincial control are conducive to improving the efficiency of administrative management, breaking the administrative management behaviors that hinder the development of the market economy in prefecture-level cities, and promoting county economic growth. However, the counties directly managed by the province have expanded the autonomous management rights of the county, and the interests of the prefecture-level cities under the system of city management and counties in the past are bound to be affected. The scope of jurisdiction and power has a huge impact (Ye Lin and Yang Yuze, 2017). Compared with the independence of counties, municipal districts are administrative divisions of cities, and their financial and administrative powers are arranged by the city as a whole. Some counties within the scope of urban administrative divisions are changed to districts, which are at the prefecture level under the system of counties directly managed by the province. The game strategy adopted after the city’s interests are damaged is the product of the progressive system innovation of the counties directly managed by the province, thus forming the structure of “no county” or “two-tier system of districts and counties” within the administrative division. Its deep meaning lies in Promote the structural optimization of the relationship between cities, districts and counties (Lin Tuo and Wang Shichen, 2017).

With the strong rise of the socialist market economy, various resources have achieved free flow beyond the restrictions of administrative regions, and with the improvement of traffic conditions, a large number of people have gathered in the center of the city. The expansion of the urban population has not only limited the space for urban development, restricted urban construction and economic development, but also caused administrative management and public services to fail to keep up. Therefore, in the final analysis, the modernization of urban governance should take people as the starting point, improve the comprehensive carrying capacity of the city, and improve the efficiency of government management and services. By changing the counties surrounding the city into districts, on the one hand, it effectively alleviates the development dilemma of tight land use and high population density in the central city, expands the scale of the central city, and improves the comprehensive carrying capacity of the central city and key urban agglomerations; The unified planning and utilization of the original county resources will realize contiguous development and form a unified metropolitan area to improve the efficiency of public services and regional competitiveness. At this time, the removal of counties into districts has become a booster to optimize the urban governance structure and improve the urban governance capacity and level. It is worth noting that the dilemma of urban development should not be solved blindly through extensional expansion. The governance problems and shortcomings of public services in some mega-cities with over-concentrated populations have emerged in the response to the epidemic. Urban governance needs a comprehensive evaluation, and disorderly urban expansion will offset the positive benefits brought by the removal of counties and districts.

5. Where are the counties and districts removed: the road to return to the rule of law

(1) The Constitutional Basis for my country’s Removal of Counties into Districts

Administrative division is a spatially concentrated reflection of the will of a country’s ruling class and multiple factors such as politics, economy, culture, and ethnicity, and its essence is the spatial allocation of state power. The state power structure and political, economic, cultural, and social systems of modern society are highly summarized and regulated by the constitution. As an important part of a country’s political system, the changes of administrative divisions must also be implemented within the framework established by the constitution. It must conform to the spirit of the Constitution and follow the principles of the Constitution. From this point of view, the administrative division system is essentially a constitutional system.

First, Article 30 of the Constitution delineates the practical boundaries of removing counties into districts. Article 30 of the Constitution clarifies that “municipalities directly under the Central Government and larger cities are divided into districts and counties”. The specific explanation for this is that districts and counties are first-level local administrative units under the municipalities directly under the Central Government and larger cities. The establishment, revocation, and change of districts should be carried out within the municipalities directly under the Central Government and larger cities. Therefore, not all counties are likely to be transformed into districts. For example, counties in autonomous prefectures and counties directly under the provincial government are still not allowed to withdraw from the establishment of counties. Area. On this basis, the key to the problem is to define and grasp the concept of “larger city”. The current constitution clarifies that all cities divided into districts enjoy local legislative power.设区的市”取代,《立法法》中“较大的市”的概念再次回到过去狭义上的国务院批准的较大的市。首先,宪法上“较大的市”的范围包含且大于《地方组织法》和《立法法》的规定。由于1954年宪法中“较大的市”的概念远早于《地方组织法》和《立法法》,故从立宪原意来看,宪法中“较大的市”指的是市制区划层面上的较大的“市”和经国务院批准辖区管县的“市”,其判断多基于城市规模、人口数量、经济总量等因素。其次,“设区的市”属于宪法上“较大的市”的组成部分。从“较大的市”的法律概念的发展历程来看,“较大的市”的存在始终伴随着地方立法权的获取,所以“较大的市”包括有立法权的市和没有立法权的市(蔡定剑,2006),拥有地方立法权的“设区的市”自然属于宪法上的“较大的市”。最后,随着城市发展和地方治理需求的扩大,需要规范、明确宪法上“较大的市”的标准。这个判断标准应是综合因素考量的结果,更多属于实践操作标准,而非法律标准,而这种标准的确立属于对宪法规范的执行与具体化。 ⑥












































习近平,2022,《坚持把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作重中之重 举全党全社会之力推动乡村振兴》,载《求是》第7期。

























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