Unboxing the latest Apple tv 4K from the direct sales store in Hong Kong

Original link: https://thornbird.org/apple-tv-4k.html


I shared the Hong Kong version of Pocari Sweat powder that my friend brought back from Hong Kong before. I continued to unbox the Apple tv brought back from the Apple Hong Kong Causeway Bay Direct Store. This time I got on the Apple tv in the car. It was a complete accident. I wanted my friend to buy it. Wal-Mart’s onn Android TV box, because onn is cheap, is only 18 US dollars, and it’s actually sold for 300 RMB in China, but I didn’t buy it. I asked my friend to buy the latest Appl [Read More…]

The post Unboxing the latest Apple tv 4K from the direct-sale store in Hong Kong first appeared on Uncle Bird’s Nest .

This article is transferred from: https://thornbird.org/apple-tv-4k.html
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