Produced | OSC Open Source Community (ID: oschina2013)
GitHub officially announced that Atom will be retired, and plans to complete the archive of all projects under the organization on December 15, 2022. Atom is a cross-platform text editor specially launched by GitHub in 2011 for programmers. Has a concise and intuitive GUI, and has many interesting features: supports CSS, HTML, JavaScript and other web programming languages. It supports macros, auto-completes split-screen features, and has an integrated file manager.
“While the goal of growing a community of software creators remains, we’ve decided to retire Atom to further our commitment to bringing fast and reliable software development to the cloud through Microsoft Visual Studio Code and GitHub Codespaces.”
The announcement explains that GitHub made this decision because, despite maintenance and security updates over the past few years, Atom has not done significant feature development. Over the years, participation in the Atom community has dropped significantly as new cloud-based tools have emerged and developed. So they decided to stop using Atom so they could focus on enhancing the developer experience in the cloud with GitHub Codespaces. “It’s been a tough goodbye… In order to best serve the developer community, we are archiving Atom to prioritize the technologies that enable future software development.”
Given the time and effort, GitHub has given users and contributors 6 months to migrate, and plans to continue to put this decision in place for the rest of the time. On December 15, 2022, it will archive the atom/atom repository and all other repositories remaining in the Atom organization.
“GitHub and our community benefit greatly from those who file issues, create extensions, fix bugs, and build new features on Atom. Atom has played an integral role in the journey of many developers, and we look forward to working together Build and shape the next chapter in software development.”
In response, Atom founding member Nathan Sobo said that their team is building Atom’s “spiritual successor”, a collaborative code editor Zed written in Rust.
“We learned a lot from Atom and had a great time, but it was always far from our vision. With Zed, we’ll make it right. Written in Rust, a custom native UI framework, Designed to be collaborative. We just started our Private Alpha this week, so the timing of this announcement feels perfect.”
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