Weekly Issue 2023-10-08

Original link: https://zdyxry.github.io/2023/10/08/Weekly-Issue-2023-10-08/

Article Link to Title Technology Link to Title Register Email Attack – Just lepture
Domain reputation causes emails to be classified as spam.
Because when registering, the system will send an activation email to the user. If you have not registered for a service but you receive a registration email, you may mark the email as spam. When there are too many people flagging it, email providers will think that this domain name is a spam domain. Even if no one marks spam, but your email box often sends emails to non-existent email addresses, the email provider will think that this domain name is a domain name that sends spam emails. There is also an interface for retrieving passwords, which also sends emails. This results in you sending more emails. What’s more, some robots will click on the activation link. Maybe the robot also reported spam by the way.
Where does my computer get the time from? – Tony Finch
Where are the events on the computer obtained from? I only know compute -> [[NTP]] -> GPS. I don’t know what happens later.
Compute -> NTP -> GPS -> Space Force Base -> US Naval Observatory Alternate Master Clock -> Atomic clock -> quantum/atom movement.
Modularize the Serverless TG robot architecture. – Xiaowen.Z Deployed
Use [[CloudFlare]] [[Worker]] Gateway to facilitate function expansion. You should keep up with the times and find a need to use Serverless products.
After [[LXD]] was transferred to [[Canonical]], the community forked except [[incus]] to continue the development of related projects, removing most of the historical baggage. It seems that it is quite easy to use for individual stand-alone use. It includes the management of containers and virtual machines, and it seems that there is also a cluster mode.

This article is reproduced from: https://zdyxry.github.io/2023/10/08/Weekly-Issue-2023-10-08/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.