What can we do to protect privacy on the Internet? Share my thoughts and the link-cleaner I bring

Original link: https://hellodk.cn/post/1101

Two days ago, v2ex had a post about an attempt to protect the privacy of contact information online , which aroused my thinking. It is true that the current environment is collecting privacy. In the past few years, major apps were still very popular and various summaries were made at the end of the year. In recent years, it seems to be somewhat restrained. This is how the products of Internet companies use various means to collect and count all aspects of our daily use of mobile phones. The most obvious one is the sharing of user A, user B clicks the content shared by user A, and then some subtle connections are generated. , in fact, this connection is very large in the end, enough to support the production of various annual reports by major apps.

Now that the Internet has penetrated so deeply into our lives, what can we do to protect our privacy? Let me start by throwing some bricks

  1. Register mobile phone numbers in non-mainland regions and use them on sensitive websites
  2. Try to use your email to register for each website, although such websites in mainland China have almost disappeared
  3. Minimize the use of domestic apps, including desktop and mobile programs. Some desktop programs can be plugged into the virtual machine to open when they have to be used. For example, in the previous WPS event, you can drive to Office 365 with V friends.
  4. To download software, only look for download links on the official website, GitHub and other platforms. Do not touch the domestic downloader.
  5. The mobile phone number must be protected and not easily leaked
  6. For the settings of commonly used software, see more, and set each option based on the principle of protecting your privacy . In fact, there are a lot of points here, if you feel troublesome or don’t care about privacy, it doesn’t matter
  7. Use Google and Bing a lot, baidu is only used as a candidate in some scenarios, such as site:tieba.baidu.com xxxx search your keywords in the discussion in the post bar, you will definitely be able to find a lot
  8. This is something I would love to mention , minimize the use of in-app sharing! , because they will basically have corresponding track params, which are tracking parameters. The platform generates a link with a tail for you. If you share it, more data will be generated when others click it, and the behavior of the sharer and clicker will be tracked.
  9. In the above post, a friend of V mentioned that when leaving contact information on the Internet, everyone is used to base64 on the V station. The strings directly output by base64 on WeChat are fixed, which are easy to be crawled by search engines and may be found by others. your activities elsewhere. But add some other strings, and the result of encoding will change. This is really a very nice method that saves time and effort. for example
     root@debian11:~# echo "my weixin id is: 12345678, shared on v2ex.com at 2022-08-25" |base64 bXkgd2VpeGluIGlkIGlzOiAxMjM0NTY3OCwgc2hhcmVkIG9uIHYyZXguY29tIGF0IDIwMjItMDgt MjUK root@debian11:~# echo "bXkgd2VpeGluIGlkIGlzOiAxMjM0NTY3OCwgc2hhcmVkIG9uIHYyZXguY29tIGF0IDIwMjItMDgt MjUK" |base64 -d my weixin id is: 12345678, shared on v2ex.com at 2022-08-25

I’m just throwing a piece of the puzzle here, and I hope everyone can express their views and their own practices. I’ve gotten into the habit of sharing things with others, basically sharing the title + link, and if it’s a link, it depends on whether it’s clean or not.

For this purpose, I wrote a simple application in Java, packaged it into a jar, and installed OpenJDK11 to use it.


Copy the link copied from the platform, execute java -jar link-cleaner-1.0.0.jar , the new link will be automatically written to the clipboard, and then paste it . I dealt with the links of four platforms: pdd, taobao, jd, and bilibili. Below are some examples.

pdd, the products that others share to you through the app, after you click, it will directly show you who shared it. If the link you shared was forwarded by many people through WeChat, would it be socially dead? So privacy is important.

Pinduoduo minimalist white keycap sharing with link tracking function - after processing compression


 $ java -jar link-cleaner-1.0.0.jar your original clipboard text is: https://mobile.yangkeduo.com/goods.html?_x_org=2&refer_share_uin=KSFDGHKGUQXWTDO6DFD4JEM4II_GEXDA&_x_query=%E6%BA%90%E5%B7%A5%E4%B8%9A%E9%94%AE%E5%B8%BD&share_uin=KSFDGHKGUQXWTDO6DFD4JEM4II_GEXDA&page_from=23&_wv=41729&refer_share_channel=copy_link&refer_share_id=LJ8vv4WYAvYeEDzl5BqMr2rbJCLWiX9u&goods_id=28707795xxxx&pxq_secret_key=VGKR5MJG66CF7YSADPCIDC4OAA3ZUKSORF6SJAVHT3JXSROMIAGA&_wvx=10 your new clipboard text is: https://mobile.yangkeduo.com/goods.html?goods_id=28707795xxxx


 $ java -jar link-cleaner-1.0.0.jar your original clipboard text is: 【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.fAwWH69?tk=XTP02u5xxxx CZ3457 「LuatOS墨水屏开发板(每个ID限购1件,,多拍不发)」点击链接直接打开your new clipboard text is: CZ3457 「LuatOS墨水屏开发板(每个ID限购1件,,多拍不发)」点击链接直接打开https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=67803651xxxx


 $ java -jar link-cleaner-1.0.0.jar your original clipboard text is: https://item.m.jd.com/product/10001058xxxx.html?&utm_source=iosapp&utm_medium=appshare&utm_campaign=t_335139774&utm_term=CopyURL&ad_od=share&gx=RnE3kDMMOmWKmtRN6tUjCHNhknHA your new clipboard text is: https://item.m.jd.com/product/10001058xxxx.html


 $ java -jar link-cleaner-1.0.0.jar your original clipboard text is: 【让你的耳朵怀孕!《A Moment Apart》极限竞速:地平线4配乐-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/GUOxxxx your new clipboard text is: 【让你的耳朵怀孕!《A Moment Apart》极限竞速:地平线4配乐-哔哩哔哩】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1M4411q7W8


 $ java -jar link-cleaner-1.0.0.jar your original clipboard text is: 【【何同学】我做了一个自己打字的键盘...】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1W14y1b7Mq?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=f3e330de995a48b819604c85bc0dxxxx your new clipboard text is: 【【何同学】我做了一个自己打字的键盘...】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1W14y1b7Mq

The source code is at: https://github.com/hellodk34/link-cleaner Welcome everyone to contribute

to be continued…

This article is reprinted from: https://hellodk.cn/post/1101
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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