Why I’m not optimistic about the ClubHouse model

I am known to many people because of NESHouse, and as a podcast host, many people ask me, what do you think of ClubHouse?

My consistent view is that this presence is good, but it’s also a limitation that I have to be in a certain place at a certain point in time.

I have communicated in Feichat before, I don’t think the ClubHouse mode can compete with podcasts and the like. The core reason is that the content in it has not been carefully designed, and it is difficult to produce excellent works in production.

I just saw a clear case today:

Zhihu will organize the information on the site into a Zhihu Weekly, and the screenshot below is a screenshot of a Zhihu Weekly. The entire weekly seems to be well-organized, but when you actually click on the content of the weekly, it is full of discomfort.

For example, “I agree more with Li Nan’s view”, where is “Li Nan’s view”? When the reader sees this sentence, Monk Zhang Er is puzzled, how can he read it well?

This article is reprinted from: https://www.ixiqin.com/2022/04/29/why-i-dont-believe-in-the-clubhouse-model/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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