Why is Hatsune so deeply loved by so many fans? (Episode 1)

Video catch up. The original video was “slightly old” and was released in October 2017, when Hatsune Miku celebrated its 10th anniversary. Youyanshe made three documentaries for this. Now that five years have passed, and the 15th anniversary is approaching, some of the fans’ love for Hatsune is still not outdated, and you are welcome to revisit this little documentary series.

The ever-changing singer Hatsune Miku, who has many fans, celebrates her tenth birthday this year. The official began to organize a large-scale celebration a long time ago. Our agency made a documentary video for Hatsune, and interviewed the president of C agency, domestic agents, and countless loyal fans of the singer. This is a story about love, A story of growth and companionship.

Why is Hatsune so deeply loved by so many fans? (Episode 2)

Why is Hatsune so deeply loved by so many fans? (Episode 3)

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