Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Original link: https://inote.xyz/xi-tian/

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Meiling Road is a gathering place for temples in Hangzhou. In the past, there were too many pilgrims and the road was very congested. Sometimes police had to be dispatched to direct traffic. People are very quiet today. Not far from Meijiawu past the archway in the depths of Baiyun, there is a parking lot with only 6 parking spaces on the side of the road, only people who are destined can park.

The entrance to Shangtianzhu is next to the stone with the words “Faxi Talking Temple” written on the opposite side of the parking lot. Going deep for 5 minutes, you will arrive at Shangtianzhu Faxi Temple, which is the first inspiration for Guanyin, but unfortunately the door of the temple is closed.

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Follow the signs and follow the Tianzhu You Trail for 10 minutes to reach the Fajing Temple in Zhongtianzhu. There are few pedestrians on the road. There is only a big monk who got up early and walked around the city, and there are no believers. Kongliu’s “Nanwu’s past righteous Faming Tathagata appeared before the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva” and meditated on the wall facing the closed gate of Fajing Temple.

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Continue along the Tianzhu Tour Trail, pass through a pub and teahouse, and then arrive at the Three-day Zhu Fajing Temple. The decoration of the gate of the Fajing Temple is far less luxurious and luxurious than the Dharma, because a group of nuns are chanting sutras here. As usual, the gate of Fajing Temple is also closed.

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Going forward from Santianzhu are the three Feilaifeng Temples, Lingyin Temple, Yongfu Temple and Taoguang Temple, which are surrounded by incense all the year round.

The gate of Lingyin Temple is facing the statue of Feilai Peak. It has an excellent location. Coupled with the blessing of Jigong, the incense is usually the most prosperous in the temple complex of West Lake. It’s a pity that the door is closed today. The Hangzhou people insisted on calling it Lingyin Temple instead of Yunlin Temple, which already made Kangxi annoyed. He closed the door this time, I guess he was even more angry.

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Walking along the outer wall of Lingyin Temple to the scenic spot for 5 minutes is Yongfu Temple. The gate of Yongfu Temple with the gate closed is hung high with the Qianlong imperial inscription “Futian Flower Rain”. This temple was once favored by the emperor.

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

The Taoguang Temple in Chaoyuwu, built on the mountainside of the North Peak, is rarely visited by people on weekdays. Today, the mountain gate is closed, and there is no one there. During special periods, although Faxi Temple, Fajing Temple, Fajing Temple, Lingyin Temple, Yongfu Temple, and Taoguang Temple are all closed, it is impossible to enter the temple to visit. Fortunately, the road connecting the temples is much quieter than usual. Calm down and enjoy the scenery, shops, sculptures and sketches along the way.

The big monk who walks like flying on Tianzhu Road, I don’t know if he is a professor at the Wulin Fitness Institute

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Wulin gym with closed doors

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

A small shop surrounded by flowers and verses

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

The owner of the Xijian Tea House must be fond of calligraphy. The guise and price list are all written with brushes.

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

The “One Moment” teahouse is simple and elegant. I have been in it for a while, because the tea is too expensive, so it is very quiet

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

There are 178 Buddha statues in the Qinglin Cave part, the ancients are really patient

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

The god of joy and treasures, holding a large orb in the palm of the right hand, catching the weasel with the left hand, and stepping on the conch with the left foot, wearing a flower vine, gorgeous decoration, very obvious secular function

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Master Xuanzang, who studied scriptures from the west, has a gentle and elegant face, a reserved and pious demeanor, a cassock hanging down his sleeves and his hands clasped together. He is very compassionate and generous. It is recommended that history textbooks choose this sculpture as the image of Tang monks.

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Milliwaba’s maid, it doesn’t matter who Milliwaba is, what matters is that the two young women are beautiful

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Xi Yu listens to the scriptures, these four words are wonderful, very suitable for calming the mood of today, this year and this year

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

Just a stone’s throw away, GG

Xiyu listens to the scriptures, and is close to the west sky

This article is reprinted from: https://inote.xyz/xi-tian/
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