Amethyst – Auto-layout tool for tiled windows, manage macOS windows with shortcut keys, desktop space

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Amethyst is a tiling window manager on macOS. It can automatically tile all windows to the screen and adjust the size according to the shortcut keys. It also supports sending windows to other desktop spaces and other monitors. The shortcut keys are very powerful. @Appinn

Amethyst - 平铺式窗口布局工具,用快捷键管理 macOS 窗口,桌面空间

Thanks to @Tru for the recommendation.

Amethyst – A tiling window manager

Amethyst is very suitable for large screens, and has built-in multiple tiled window layouts. When activated, it will automatically tile all open windows neatly on the screen.

Use option + shift + 空格to switch the layout mode, and the activated window will be automatically processed. For example, the main window will always maintain a suitable position, and it will automatically move to the corner after the new window is opened. When the mouse moves to these windows, it will also Automatically zoom in to keep your screen showing all windows at all times.

Take a look at the video provided by the developer that is not very clear:

However, the little frog is not used to this automatic tiling window method. For example, if you drag the size of the secondary window, it will immediately change it back for you, which is very annoying. However, you can add a certain software window to the floating list (Floating) separately, so that it will not be automatically moved away.

So the little frog learned @Tru to send or change the window only with shortcut keys.

some examples

  • option + shift + j/k : switch software windows in the current desktop space counterclockwise/clockwise
  • control + option + shift +⬅ /➡ , 1 2 3 4: Send current window to left/right or 1234 desktop space
  • option + shift + p/n : move focus to other monitors counterclockwise/clockwise
  • option + shift + w/e/r: move focus to 1st, 2nd, 3rd monitor

This is an efficient tool with some thresholds. In addition to memorizing the shortcut keys, you also need to get used to the way of using it, but Green Frog feels that once the shortcut keys are smooth, the operation will be as dazzling as magic.

Green frog wants to try to make a video to see if I can explain some of the functions in it clearly? Dig a hole and see if dozens of them can be filled.



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