BZOJ #3681. Arietta

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Network flow modeling is simpler than the above problem.

The functional segment tree aspect requires segment tree merging.

Still, it’s simpler than the previous question.

   const int N = int(1e4) + 9;      int T[N], H[N]; VI adj[N];   int n, m;      namespace Chairman_Tree {   #define lx c[0][x]   #define rx c[1][x]   #define ly c[0][y]   #define ry c[1][y]   #define ml ((l+r)>>1)   #define mr (ml+1)   #define lc lx, l, ml   #define rc rx, mr, r       const int NN = 100*N;       int c[2][NN]; int s[NN]; int tot;       int pp;       int new_node() {           return ++tot;       }       void upd(int x) {           s[x] = s[lx] + s[rx];       }          void Init(int &x, int l = 1, int r = n) {           x = new_node();           if (l == r) {               s[x] = 1;           } else {               if (pp < mr) Init(lc);               else Init(rc);               upd(x);           }       }          int Merge(int x, int y, int l = 1, int r = n) {           if (!x || !y) return x | y;           if (l == r) {               s[x] += s[y];               return x;           }           lx = Merge(lx, ly, l, ml);           rx = Merge(rx, ry, mr, r);           upd(x);           return x;       }          void Query(int x, int l, int r, int a, int b, VI& L) {           if (!x || b < l || r < a) return;           if (a <= l && r <= b) {               L.PB(x);           } else {               Query(lc, a, b, L);               Query(rc, a, b, L);           }       }      } using namespace Chairman_Tree;      void dfs(int u = 1) {       pp = H[u]; Init(T[u]);       for (auto v: adj[u]) {           dfs(v);           T[u] = Merge(T[u], T[v]);       }   }         int main(){      #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE       freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);       //freopen("/Users/minakokojima/Documents/GitHub/ACM-Training/Workspace/out.txt", "w", stdout);   #endif          RD(n, m); FOR_1(i, 2, n) adj[RD()].PB(i);       REP_1(i, n) RD(H[i]); dfs();          atcoder::mf_graph<int> G(n+m+2+tot);       int s = n+m, t = n+m+1;          FOR(x, 1, tot) {           if (lx) G.add_edge(t+x, t+lx, INF);           if (rx) G.add_edge(t+x, t+rx, INF);       }          REP_1(i, n) {           VI L; Query(T[i], 1, n, H[i], H[i], L);           G.add_edge(t+L[0], t, 1);       }          REP(i, m) {           int l, r, d; RD(l, r, d); G.add_edge(s, i, RD());           VI L; Query(T[d], 1, n, l, r, L);           for (auto l: L) G.add_edge(i, t+l, INF);       }          cout << G.flow(s, t) << endl;   }   

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