Startups | 创事纪

With technical flaws and lack of ecology, how far can Thunderbird innovate?

Author | Edited by Zhang Yu | Yang Bocheng On January 6, the 2023 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023) officially kicked off in Las Vegas, USA. As a world-class consumer electronics event, CES2023 is an important stage for consumer electronics manufacturers in various fields to show off their skills , For example, Thunderbird Innovation,

With technical flaws and lack of ecology, how far can Thunderbird innovate? Read More »

Bodhidharma Academy’s 2023 Top 10 Technology Trends Released: Humans’ imagination of general AI has never been so specific

Yang Jing sent from Aufei Temple Qubit | Public Account QbitAI Just now, the DAMO Academy’s top ten technological trends list was released. This time includes basic technology fields such as AI, chips, and cloud computing. There are not only generative AI that has triggered a wave of global investment, but also integration of storage

Bodhidharma Academy’s 2023 Top 10 Technology Trends Released: Humans’ imagination of general AI has never been so specific Read More »

Japanese luxury lost to China: stop production and sales, official website 504, full exit

Cao Yuan sent from Fujia Temple Smart car reference | public account AI4Auto Another joint venture brand withdraws from the Chinese market! GAC Acura’s official website has displayed a 504 error and cannot be accessed. At the same time, GAC Acura’s official WeChat public account was closed last year, and it no longer provides new

Japanese luxury lost to China: stop production and sales, official website 504, full exit Read More »

Youku spends the winter, prohibiting “white whoring”

Welcome to the WeChat subscription account of “Sina Technology”: techsina Text/Pomegranate Source/New Entropy (ID: baoliaohui) German sociologist Simmel said that money has installed a wheel that cannot be stopped in modern life, making the machine of life a perpetual motion machine, resulting in the turmoil and fanaticism that are common in modern life. Today, Youku

Youku spends the winter, prohibiting “white whoring” Read More »

The fourth year of artificial meat: the future is not necessarily bright, the road must be tortuous

Welcome to the WeChat subscription account of “Sina Technology”: techsina Text/Chen Qing Source/Market Value List (ID: shizhibang2021) Burgers are an integral part of American culture. A burger is the first choice for one in five Americans. Burgers with beef patties are an American favorite. However, for vegetarians, the happy experience brought by burgers will be

The fourth year of artificial meat: the future is not necessarily bright, the road must be tortuous Read More »

Betting on e-commerce, games, and social networking, can major manufacturers tell new stories about going overseas?

Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618) Text | Chen Qiaohui For major Internet companies in 2022, “cost reduction and efficiency increase” will become the main theme, and expenditures such as marketing and promotion will be greatly reduced compared with previous years. In addition, according to Tech Planet’s public statistics, the products of major manufacturers such as

Betting on e-commerce, games, and social networking, can major manufacturers tell new stories about going overseas? Read More »