Startups | 创事纪

Tesla did not explode in the fourth quarter, but Musk still has a lot of bad things…

Welcome to the WeChat subscription account of “Sina Technology”: techsina Text/Juny Source/Silicon Starman (ID: guixingren123) The closely watched fourth-quarter earnings season kicked off this week. Unlike the tragic battle situation that many people had expected before, so far, the news from the big company level is not bad. Although Microsoft’s financial report yesterday’s revenue and […]

Tesla did not explode in the fourth quarter, but Musk still has a lot of bad things… Read More »

How many times can Tesla’s price reduction magic work?

Welcome to the WeChat subscription account of “Sina Technology”: techsina Text/Chen Ping’an Source/Bohu Finance (ID: bohuFN) Recently, the hottest topic in the car circle is Tesla’s price cut. On January 6, Tesla China’s official website showed that Tesla’s domestically-produced models have dropped significantly in price. The Model 3, which was originally sold at 265,900 yuan,

How many times can Tesla’s price reduction magic work? Read More »

The largest scale but its IPO has been blocked, and it is difficult for Himalaya to rely on capital “upper position”!

Source: Yu Jian Column 2022 is a magical year, and it is even more dramatic for Himalaya, once the number one player on the audio track. In March 2022, Himalaya once again submitted a form to the Hong Kong stock market to hit the IPO, but again failed due to material failure. Previously, in September

The largest scale but its IPO has been blocked, and it is difficult for Himalaya to rely on capital “upper position”! Read More »

After insurance is bundled with credit loans, Sunshine Insurance is no longer “sunshine”

Source: Yu Jian Column When the economic situation is weak, insurance, national debt and other stable investment and property preservation methods have become the best choice for many people. While concepts such as life insurance and critical illness insurance have not yet been widely popularized, property insurance has already been recognized by the market. Sunshine

After insurance is bundled with credit loans, Sunshine Insurance is no longer “sunshine” Read More »

The price is over 10,000, and young people lose their “freedom of down jackets”

Burning Dimension (ID: chaintruth) original Author | Zhang Lin Editor | Cao Yang Can’t afford a down jacket with one month’s salary? Recently, Bosideng, a domestic down jacket brand, has sparked heated discussions among netizens because of “a high-tech luxury down jacket that uses ‘aviation material technology’, with a price tag of more than 10,000

The price is over 10,000, and young people lose their “freedom of down jackets” Read More »

Small program “Three Kingdoms Kill”, how do merchants choose?

With the accelerated deployment of Douyin, the competition for small programs is evolving from WeChat and Alipay’s “Errenzhuan” to “Three Kingdoms”. At the end of last month, Douyin opened up the mini-programs for transportation and travel, and T3 travel was the first batch to enter. Earlier, also reached a cooperation with Douyin around small

Small program “Three Kingdoms Kill”, how do merchants choose? Read More »