Code update, happy unraid lazy version

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remain vigilant

  1. The discussion in the article is limited to technical exchanges, if necessary, please purchase the genuine version! ! !
  2. The discussion in the article is limited to technical exchanges, if necessary, please purchase the genuine version! !
  3. The discussion in the article is limited to technical exchanges, if necessary, please purchase the genuine version!
  4. Please do not distribute binaries, I noticed that there are binaries circulating recently, which has nothing to do with me! !

major changes

The variable UNRAID_UUID can be discarded. Of course, if the test does not take effect, it is ok to continue writing.

Review of the previous article: The official version of unraid does not modify the method of sustainable happiness without keymaker

I am not responsible for any consequences arising from this procedure.


Compile: gcc -fPIC -shared udev.c -ludev -ldl -o BTRS.key

 #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <dlfcn.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <libudev.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <unistd.h> #define RSA void #define DISK_LABEL "UNRAID" #define BTRS_FORMAT \ "regGUID=%s&regTy=%s&regTo=\"%s\"&regTm=%s&regGen=0&regDays=0" typedef int ( * RSA_PUBLIC_DECRYPT_FUNC )( int flen , unsigned char * from , unsigned char * to , RSA * rsa , int padding ); static char * unraid_uuid = NULL ; RSA_PUBLIC_DECRYPT_FUNC rsa_public_decrypt ; int get_dev_path ( char * buffer , size_t size ); int get_usb_device ( char * buffer , size_t size ); int get_serial_string ( char * buffer , size_t size ); void read_file ( char * buff_ptr , char * base_ptr , char * file_ptr , char * file ); const char * get_self_exe_name ( int full ) { static char buffer [ 4096 ] = "" ; readlink ( "/proc/self/exe" , buffer , 4096 ); if ( full ) { return buffer ; } char * ptr = & buffer [ strlen ( buffer )]; while ( * ptr != '/' ) -- ptr ; return ( ptr + 1 ); } int RSA_public_decrypt ( int flen , unsigned char * from , unsigned char * to , RSA * rsa , int padding ) { if ( ! rsa_public_decrypt ) { rsa_public_decrypt = ( RSA_PUBLIC_DECRYPT_FUNC ) dlsym ( RTLD_NEXT , "RSA_public_decrypt" ); } if ( ! unraid_uuid ) { unraid_uuid = ( char * ) malloc ( 1024 ); strcpy ( unraid_uuid , "1234" ); int err = get_serial_string ( unraid_uuid , 1024 ); if ( err && getenv ( "UNRAID_UUID" )) { strcpy ( unraid_uuid , getenv ( "UNRAID_UUID" )); } } if ( ! strcmp ( get_self_exe_name ( 0 ), "emhttpd" ) || ! strcmp ( get_self_exe_name ( 0 ), "shfs" )) { sprintf ( to , BTRS_FORMAT , unraid_uuid , getenv ( "UNRAID_VERSION" ), getenv ( "UNRAID_NAME" ), getenv ( "UNRAID_DATE" )); int len = strlen ( to ); return len ; } else { return rsa_public_decrypt ( flen , from , to , rsa , padding ); } } /**** udev stuff ****/ int get_dev_path ( char * buffer , size_t size ) { char link_device [ 1024 ]; char real_device [ 1024 ]; sprintf ( link_device , "/dev/disk/by-label/%s" , DISK_LABEL ); char * rv = realpath ( link_device , real_device ); if ( ! rv ) return 2 ; struct udev * udev ; struct udev_device * dev ; struct udev_enumerate * enumerate ; struct udev_list_entry * devices , * dev_list_entry ; int find = - 1 ; udev = udev_new (); if ( ! udev ) { return 1 ; } enumerate = udev_enumerate_new ( udev ); if ( ! enumerate ) { return 1 ; } udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem ( enumerate , "block" ); udev_enumerate_scan_devices ( enumerate ); devices = udev_enumerate_get_list_entry ( enumerate ); if ( ! devices ) { return 1 ; } udev_list_entry_foreach ( dev_list_entry , devices ) { const char * path , * tmp ; unsigned long long disk_size = 0 ; path = udev_list_entry_get_name ( dev_list_entry ); dev = udev_device_new_from_syspath ( udev , path ); if ( strncmp ( udev_device_get_devtype ( dev ), "partition" , 9 ) != 0 && strncmp ( udev_device_get_sysname ( dev ), "loop" , 4 ) != 0 ) { const char * devnode = udev_device_get_devnode ( dev ); char * ptr = strstr ( real_device , devnode ); if ( ptr && ptr == real_device ) { // prefix find = 0 ; strcpy ( buffer , udev_device_get_devpath ( dev )); } } udev_device_unref ( dev ); } udev_enumerate_unref ( enumerate ); udev_unref ( udev ); return find ; } int get_usb_device ( char * buffer , size_t size ) { char dev_path [ 1024 ]; if ( get_dev_path ( dev_path , 1024 )) { return 2 ; } int slash_index [ 1024 ]; int slash_count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < strlen ( dev_path ); ++ i ) { if ( dev_path [ i ] == '/' ) { slash_index [ slash_count ++ ] = i ; } } int find = - 1 ; for ( int i = slash_count - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) { char usb_device [ 1024 ] = "/sys" ; strcpy ( & dev_path [ slash_index [ i ]], "/serial" ); strcat ( usb_device , dev_path ); if ( ! access ( usb_device , F_OK | R_OK )) { strcpy ( buffer , usb_device ); buffer [ strlen ( buffer ) - strlen ( "/serial" )] = '\0' ; find = 0 ; break ; } } return find ; } void read_file ( char * buff_ptr , char * base_ptr , char * file_ptr , char * file ) { strcpy ( file_ptr , file ); FILE * fp = fopen ( base_ptr , "r" ); fscanf ( fp , "%s" , buff_ptr ); fclose ( fp ); } int get_serial_string ( char * buffer , size_t size ) { char usb_device [ 1024 ]; if ( get_usb_device ( usb_device , 1024 )) { return 2 ; } char * file_ptr = & usb_device [ strlen ( usb_device )]; char * buff_ptr = buffer ; read_file ( buff_ptr , usb_device , file_ptr , "/idVendor" ); strcat ( buff_ptr , "-" ); buff_ptr += strlen ( buff_ptr ); read_file ( buff_ptr , usb_device , file_ptr , "/idProduct" ); strcat ( buff_ptr , "-" ); buff_ptr += strlen ( buff_ptr ); char serial_buffer [ 1024 ]; read_file ( serial_buffer , usb_device , file_ptr , "/serial" ); strcpy ( buff_ptr , serial_buffer ); * ( buff_ptr + 4 ) = '-' ; strcpy ( buff_ptr + 5 , & serial_buffer [ 4 ]); int offset = 'A' - 'a' ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < strlen ( buffer ); ++ i ) { if ( buffer [ i ] >= 'a' && buffer [ i ] <= 'z' ) { buffer [ i ] += offset ; } } return 0 ; } int main () { char serial [ 1024 ]; int err = get_serial_string ( serial , 1024 ); if ( ! err ) { printf ( "SERIAL: %s \n " , serial ); } return 0 ; }

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