Douyin E-commerce Super Brand Day and China Post launched the “Postal China” super product traceability plan


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A few days ago, the Douyin e-commerce super brand Sun x China Post jointly announced the official launch of the “Postal China” super brand traceability program. According to reports, the two parties will go to all parts of the country to support brands with advantages such as origin, and restore the whole process of the birth of good things. The person in charge of Douyin E-commerce Super Brand Day said: “Take the China Post Road, explore the authentic brands, and meet the good things that understand you. The “Post China” super product traceability plan will deeply link China Post Logistics & E-commerce for long-term cooperation. At the same time, it integrates the platform’s high-quality content and pan-centralized resources and other global interest e-commerce advantages to help merchants tell a good brand story on Douyin e-commerce, so that consumers can see the other side of the brand.”
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