I really want to run away every day

Original link: https://www.gaficat.com/posts/16a905de.html

In life, there must be things that you can’t solve and suffer, but don’t let these things eat back your whole person. You can still love life and face other people and things positively and optimistically, right?

write in front

This article should have been posted before, but I forgot to write it, so I just post it now, the timeline is already a little messy.

Last night, Brother Li suddenly asked me on WeChat, “Mr. Wei, are you there?”, and then a phone call came.

Brother Li, he and I are fellow villagers and alumni of a major in the university. Back in college, Brother Li was in the lab next door, and the two big bosses often ate together and complained about the girl the other party liked. However, after work, due to some things, the relationship between the two became a little estranged. I remember one of Cai Kangyong’s books mentioned that you can chat with someone: ” Do you have a former friend who has gradually become estranged, what’s going on? Who do you think is the problem? “, I In fact, the first thing that came to mind was Brother Li.

As for the story of estrangement with Brother Li, that is another story. In today’s article, I still want to talk about the chat with Brother Li. I chatted with Brother Li for more than three hours today. It seems that the last time I had a very long voice was to talk to Homee about changing jobs, and before that, I called my ex. I am not a person who likes voice chat very much, because my brain is not very fast, and my thoughts cannot be expressed to the other party in a short time. Expressing my opinion is more in line with my personal habits. Now that Brother Li has called, let’s chat. It’s all sorts of things. Brother Li’s few words touched me very much:

  • I’m really, really unhappy every day, so emo, I really want to quit this job every day, it’s really tormenting, I haven’t been able to sleep much at night these days Sleep.
  • I really don’t want to say a word to them at work now. In the past, I used to swear at people, test idiots, and product managers are not human beings. Now I am numb. What you say is what I don’t want to talk about. Anyway, that’s it.
  • Did you have someone arguing with you before? I kinda wish someone could argue with me.
  • I just can’t figure out why, who is really better than me in business. On average, she comes to me many times a day to ask questions. Why can she be paid more than me and change jobs so smoothly? I don’t think so. Good dance, am I worse than them?

Do you know how I got here in the past two years?

In fact, looking at Brother Li’s state now, I really want to say, “Do you know how I came here in the past two years?”

1. Everyone has resigned, I will not speak anymore

Two years ago, my first job since the school was recruited, and it continued to grow rapidly for two years. From a layman in information security, I gradually mastered some technologies in my own field, and had my own shining points. At the same time, I also knew The first serious love girlfriend in my life. At that time, I felt that I was in the cutting-edge technology research team of a leading company in the information security industry. I was surrounded by doctors from Qingbei. I was thriving at work, and I was very confident in the future. People who are so deeply in love, although very clumsy and inexperienced, are really sweet, and life can be so worth looking forward to.

Suddenly one day, Brother Xing, the direct leader of the team, resigned. He is my Bole and a Ph.D. from Peking University. Before Brother Xing left, he sorted out the work of everyone in the team, and in the final stage, gave everyone an equal share of various achievements and possible future directions. I asked Brother Xing at the time, why did you leave the job? Brother Xing said, it is just right, there is an opportunity over there, and it feels quite suitable. Brother Xing did not tell me the real reason. Later, Brother Xing resigned, Rabbit resigned, Homme resigned, in short, everyone around me resigned, and I was the only one left in the original team. Watching everyone leave, the former partner, the salary is double every minute, don’t you envy?

Later, I understood that the company needs to adjust the organizational structure, and the work done by our original team will most likely be transferred to another team. Brother Xing either has to be adjusted to a department that is not very good to deal with and fight for power. Either continue to stay in the original department, and after several years of hard work, the original team and the results will be handed over to people, starting from scratch and changing to a new direction. Although this is not entirely the reason for Brother Xing’s resignation, it is entirely my personal guess, but I believe that it must have influenced Brother Xing’s decision. Brother Xing’s resignation became the fuse. Everyone found that after the organizational structure adjustment, he went to a new team. His father didn’t hurt, his mother didn’t love him. .

what about me? As the engine of the original team, the resources I master are indeed very valuable to both teams, so in the year of the new team, my salary has indeed increased a lot. So I thought, or keep doing it and try it on a new team? But to be honest, there is a gap in your heart when you go out from a team of a doctor from Tsinghua University and Peking University and merge into another team. You will think, why , I used to do things with a doctor from Peking University, but now he is such an ordinary person People as my leader? Why , in the previous team in Qingbei, I had an idea that the whole team revolved around my idea, and in the new team, it was you who arranged for me to do things I didn’t like to do? Why , I have to put the name of everyone in the new team on the results I made, but not the results of other people? Why , when the team failed to take the blame, let me do it? Although I have all kinds of dissatisfaction in my heart, I also have my plan: maybe, my current job is not going well, which makes myself in a bad state, so I quarrel with my girlfriend every day, maybe, when I get into the program, I can have a relationship with her. Well, all the troubles are gone.

Once you have the idea of ​​what to do, you will no longer be able to integrate into this team. I go to work at the latest time every day. I go to work without saying a word. Everyone shouts to have dinner together. . As for work, I fish for four and a half days and finish a week’s work on Friday afternoon for half a day. I have this ability. Even so, my output is still at the top of the team. I feel like I’m standing still. To be honest, all the results on my job-hopping resume this year were made by the original team, and I didn’t have any satisfactory results in the new team. I don’t want to talk and refuse to communicate. Is my state similar to Li Ge’s current state? The difference is that Brother Li lasted for a month, he felt that he was about to be depressed, and I lasted for more than a year.

2. Heaven and hell, a single thought

However, fate is so fond of joking with you. At this time last year , I thought I entered the interview with the first grade in the written test. I have never been afraid of the interview. This time it is really stable. With the establishment, the girlfriend’s parents can handle it, reconcile with her girlfriend, get married, and live a normal life. The results of it? The guy who was really the first in the written test was 20 points higher than me. Everyone chatted together, and everyone was asking me: “You are not doing well now, what are you doing here?”

When I came out of the hotel where I was interviewed, I saw that the buddy who was the first in the written test not far away received a call from the employer and said, “No problem, I’ll send the documents to you in the afternoon.” Well, he’s fine, and one is younger than me. The astringent student face is the down-to-earth child that the employer likes. I am still a little too crazy. To be honest, I really can’t calm down and I am not so suitable for this job. Later, I didn’t know how I got on Didi. My eyes were dull and I looked at Youdaoyun’s notes that I was checking repeatedly when I came by the car in the morning. I somehow felt that I was so funny. I came from heaven to hell so suddenly. I am the closest to the system. One chance is gone, and my ex and I are completely fucked up. I have been preparing for two months. Every day I come home from get off work and write the questions until 12 o’clock in the evening. I took a 7-day break during the May Day holiday and prepared for the written test. After the written test was over, I only ate 50 grams of rice a day, and 711’s vegetable salad became my lunch and dinner. I lost 3 kilometers every day, and I lost 20 pounds in a month. Just to be able to calmly deal with the physical fitness test after actually going ashore. It’s all over, there’s nothing left.

I actually understand that girls are very tolerant of the other half. They don’t worship money like they say in the short video. They want you to be motivated, but if you really have no future and can’t make too much money, they are also willing to accompany you, as long as the two are together. However, at that moment, I was more competitive with myself. I must solve my career planning problems first, because everything went wrong with my career planning. I have to solve this first before I can solve the other. Otherwise, it’s all bullshit.

3. I was humiliated and raised my salary by 500 yuan

What about later? This year, the new team gave me a salary increase of 500 yuan and a year-end bonus of 5,000 yuan. To be honest, when I heard this number from the mouth of the new team leader, I had an idea for a moment, and threw the mobile phone in front of me. On the laptop camera, I quit my job. Every day I am here, I am unhappy and I want to leave. Is my state similar to Brother Li’s current state? Our school recruited and graduated, and after working for less than half a year, I won’t take this insulting salary increase and year-end bonus.

“This year, the economic situation is not good, but the company’s operating conditions are very good, but the company is very cautious about the salary of its employees. I will give you a salary increase of 500 yuan and a year-end bonus of 5,000. I know this is very little, but I I’m very optimistic about you, what direction are you going in? Oh, I feel that you are more similar to me, and you will definitely be able to make more achievements this year.” ( Look, praise people, you can only use you and me very much. like this kind of talk )

“Oh, this year’s form is really not very good. Affected by the epidemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war, I understand the company’s caution in employee salaries. I will continue to work hard. Thank you for your leadership.”

do you know? The reality is sometimes so ridiculous, no matter how angry you are in your heart, you have to pretend that nothing happened on the surface, and even thank him. At this time, the big leader of the original team found me, the department has a new direction, and there is a shortage of people, otherwise I will come back.

I said, “I hope my salary will increase to XX this year. If I can, I will go back. If not, I will change jobs in the middle of this year.”

The leader of the original team said: “You come back first, and I will see if I can adjust it for you in the middle of the year.”

I said, “Are you sure you’ll be able to adjust to or close to my desired salary by mid-year?”

The leader of the original team said: “I haven’t operated this yet, I have to confirm with HR tomorrow.”

ps: At that moment, I gave up on my old club. I knew for sure that someone had adjusted their salary in the middle of the year, and it was the leader of the original team who did it. And, on the boss, the original team leader wanted me to go back to the post, and the minimum salary was the salary I hoped to get.

Later, I found Homme, help me push XX, I want to go. Homme is also very kind, internal referrals, written tests, and interviews. During this period, they constantly taught me their experience and inquired about internal information. As a result, what HR promised was actually compiled into the outsourcing of foreign company XX. You said from the very beginning that there is no official editor, you can only sign outsourcing, that’s all, everyone is an adult, it’s a big deal. The problem is, you must deceive me through the written test and interview process. My written test scores are close to full marks. In addition, the graduate school and the company where I work are the target schools and companies of the company. PL has already applied for the official establishment for me. At this time, your HR gave my main editor to someone else, and after I went through all the processes, you fooled me to sign the outsourcing, saying that the outsourcing main editor is the same, and the outsourcing can also be normalized. Am I really stupid?

Later, a large number of resumes, interviews, the whole person’s frustration is really strong. At first, I directly invested in local ones, but later I found out that there were too few local job opportunities, so I could only invest in out-of-town ones. I have even seen companies that are still asking me for an interview after 12 o’clock in the middle of the night. In two months, no company has offered me an offer. I am really anxious. The only Fortune 500 company that entered the salary negotiation stage told me that it can only increase by 30%. The problem is that I need to give up everything in this city from a backward province and city in the west and run to a satellite city next to a first-tier city in the south. . The most ironic thing is that I clearly remember that during the interview at 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, the interviewer said: “No problem, you are very capable, we are short of people here, I believe you can get the salary of the Fortune 500.”

In the end, the turning point came very quickly. Just earlier this month, I received offers from three companies in a row in half a month, all of which were local employment opportunities, and the salary was directly given double. This afternoon, I and I The immediate leader of the new team said:

I said, “I’m leaving for financial reasons.”

The immediate leader of the current team said: “Then you give me a heavy hammer, how much did they give you?”

I said, “The three companies are all doubles.”

The immediate leader of the current team said, “Don’t think about it anymore?”

I said, “I’m too short of money. I know that we treat me well here. I hope I can leave something for us. So from the end of last year to this year, I really tried my best for the two projects I pushed. With my ability, I can only do this.”

The immediate leader of the current team said: “It’s true that I can’t say anything about money, but Double is definitely not possible on our side. Think about it again.”

I said, “I’m really, really short of money.”

You see, the art of retaining people is repetition, think about it again, think about it again. What am I thinking about? Consider staying here and continue to be the scapegoat. You share my achievements with everyone, and you don’t give me a single word of everyone’s achievements. Salary won’t go up. Can’t go up in rank. Technically, it gave me a bunch of directions that could not produce results. When writing a tender, oh, you don’t care whether it can be realized or not, just write it first, you may not do it. The bidding document is down, so you have written it all down, and find a way to make it happen? Yes, I gave you a heavy hammer, I’m gone, you see who will take the blame for the team’s performance? 🙂

Guess how Brother Li got here this month?

Some time ago, Li Ge Juhua had an operation. According to him, it was caused by sitting for a long time. I said it was hemorrhoids, but he said no. I asked Brother Li to come out to have a meal together. After all, the two hadn’t seen each other for more than two years due to some previous incidents. As a result, I saw Brother Li with his hands in the back pockets, limping to the appointment with his butt tucked in, well, these days, why isn’t it spicy outside?

Brother Li graduated and went to a central enterprise. Brother Li despised small companies and private enterprises. He felt that state-owned enterprises were the most stable, and he went to a central enterprise to do high-level cloud computing, which is great. Later, in four years, Brother Li’s salary was not as high as mine at first, but then his salary doubled and was higher than mine. When you say this, it seems that there is no problem with Li’s choice. It’s good to stay in a central enterprise?

Brother Li said: “Last year, the company laid off an entire team, not to mention that the central enterprises did not lay off staff. It is the same. If the business does not make money, it is also expected to be laid off. As for me, the direction of the division since graduation is to Simply do some container orchestration work. To be honest, you can find a college student and teach him for a month, and he can do it. I really feel like I’m useless. I sometimes sigh, it’s all luck, together Some people who come in are assigned to work on containers, which is very easy to change jobs. Some people are assigned to work on SDN, which is very easy to change jobs. For me, to be honest, it is the work of operation and maintenance, writing a few commands all day, and upgrading the software. , What is the technical difficulty. Moreover, the original leader of our team has also left, and a new leader has come. After such a toss, most of the people around us have also left.”

I said, “Then just stay here for now, maybe next year will give you a sharp increase in salary. When the new leader takes office, he must win over you guys.”

Brother Li said: “When people win over, they also win over my master. I am a little Luo Luo, and I have no value to others. You do a good job, it’s really not as good as your dance.”

In fact, to put it bluntly, after working for four or five years, you have seen through the essence of your work, which are all very repetitive, stupid and stupid things. In the eyes of outsiders, it is tall. From an insider’s point of view, they are all rotten to each other. In business, there is no panic brought by progress. Organizational restructuring, leadership changes, and a wave of departures. Economically, upside down serious salaries. It’s irritating your nerves all the time. This feeling is really tormenting, the work at hand, can not see the future, every moment is thinking about escaping. Looking at the people around me who are not as good as me, now they are worse than me. Every day I talk less, and even when I go to the cafeteria to eat, I don’t want to say a word to my aunt: “Auntie, eat less.”

But what can we do?


In fact, I would think that Brother Li was a little anxious. After all, I just didn’t speak for more than a year. If it was Brother Li, I would be depressed earlier. However, you cannot use your own experience to evaluate and criticize another person. After all, everyone is in a different environment and has different resources. At this moment, who is not? Whether it’s me, Brother Li or Ye Ye, everyone is not very satisfied with the sense of accomplishment brought by the work itself, the battles between interpersonal relationships, etc. At least everyone is anxious, hoping to change the status quo, or has made changes according to their own plans.

No job, any company, will have 100% praise. Maybe what you are experiencing now is the same when you switch to a new company or a new environment. Changing jobs will not fundamentally solve your problems. question. But changing a job and changing an environment, in my opinion, the more important thing is to discard the original relationship with colleagues, discard the original work content, discard the original emo emotion, and use a new attitude, A state of mind full of hope and optimism, to start over, that’s the most important thing.

Lastly, what do I want to say? I found that it seems that the problems I have encountered in career planning in the past two years are not only my own, but everyone else. And, career, it’s about your income, it’s about your whole person’s state. Brother Li said, I have no interest in doing anything recently. In fact, to be honest, I was in this state before the last offer was given to me, and I actually mentioned it in my last article. However, life is not a single thread. You have to deal with helplessness in career planning, maintenance of intimacy, investment in hobbies and other issues at the same time. You can’t deal with one thing in life forever and then deal with another. You need to switch your roles and statuses in different environments, and you shouldn’t let one thing affect your status on all things. Is this supposed to be mature?

  • Hope, you can face the work of a feather in the ground and feel sad by yourself. But I also hope that you can pull a friend or two on weekends, barbecue, beer, talk show, and indulge.
  • Hope, you can face your parents’ disapproval of TA and feel wronged alone. But I also hope that you can pull that TA on weekends, snuggle up to watch a movie and finish a meal, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, not my parents.”
  • Hope, you can face the profiteers selling dog meat and be annoyed alone. But I also hope that you can hand your little brother a bottle of mineral water when you receive a hot noon takeout on weekends and say it’s hard work.

This article is reproduced from: https://www.gaficat.com/posts/16a905de.html
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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