June 2022 Monthly Summary

Original link: https://www.ixiqin.com/2022/06/30/in-june-2022-in-monthly-summary/


Objective 1: Continue to obtain cash flow and build a cash cow with future income

KR1: The investment income reaches 20,000 yuan

The market has fluctuated a lot recently, and the floating profit has dropped by 3K. But fortunately, it can still maintain the ability to make money off the field.

KR2: The single manuscript fee exceeds 6,000 yuan

Nothing has changed, still 4K (6K tentatively reported, but new customers, discounted).

KR3: Achieving the annual budget and spending within the budget

In June, my budget system was changed as a whole. Cleared historical data. This year’s goals have been reset. The KR has also been readjusted, and a new KR will be activated next month.

KR4: Build a software-based cash cow business with an expected revenue of RMB 10,000m

No progress.

Objective 2: Improve living infrastructure and build a good foundation for future life

KR1: Travel to 6 cities

Busy moving house, no intention to travel.

KR2: Perform 20 recreational activities

Busy moving house, no intention to travel.

KR3: Reduce time spent on chores-related tasks with smart devices

No progress yet

Objective 3 : Broaden horizons and create talents in diverse industries

KR1: Write 15 Book Reviews

I have read several books this month, I can write them well, and look forward to the monthly summary next month.

KR2: 12 Newsletters about cryptocurrencies

Continue with 0 progress. Why don’t you dare to write? Should I still be afraid that my output will not meet my expectations? Have idol baggage?

KR3: Complete the writing of the three planned books

No progress yet.

This article is reprinted from: https://www.ixiqin.com/2022/06/30/in-june-2022-in-monthly-summary/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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