One skill a day: The latest version of Scrapy is not compatible with scrapy_redis

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Many students use Scrapy + scrapy_redis to implement distributed crawlers when writing crawlers. However, scrapy_redis has been updated less and less in recent years, and it feels quite old. With many updates of Scrapy, scrapy_redis can no longer keep up.

When you install Scrapy, if you do not specify a specific version, the latest version will be installed by default.

If some students have installed the latest version of Scrapy and scrapy_redis in the past two days, the following error will appear after running:

 TypeError: crawl() got an unexpected keyword argument 'spider'

As shown below:


In this case, the solution is very simple, just don’t install the latest version of Scrapy. When installing with pip , bind the Scrapy version:

 python3 -m pip install scrapy==2.9.0

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