Ordinary but shining August

Original link: https://chenyan98.cn/3661.html

August (August) is the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, is a big month, a total of 31 days. In the Northern Hemisphere, August is the third month of summer. The solar terms are: the beginning of autumn and the end of summer. In China, August 1st is Army Day. The fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It’s been two days since August, an ordinary but brilliant month, with promising beginnings and not-so-satisfying endings, and with the end of a relationship I can be myself again. The first is the review. I have to make a brief summary every month. This month is no exception. The work aspect is not very busy. The whole August is similar, so I have a lot of time at my disposal, and the progress of my study is also due to this. It has sped up a lot, and life is relatively exciting, mainly reflected in eating and drinking. Of course, compared to the previous few months, the performance of self-discipline and fitness is not very good. Only about one-third of the time I have gone out to exercise, other The time is basically […]

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