Qiushi.com commentator: Gather the power of youth and live up to the mission of youth

“Unswervingly following the party and striving for the party and the people is the original mission of the Communist Youth League.” General Secretary Xi Jinping fully affirmed that the Communist Youth League, under the leadership of the party, has united and led generations of members at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. The important contributions made by the youth to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation have put forward clear requirements for the work of the Communist Youth League in the new era and new journey. The general secretary pointed out: “Over the past 100 years, the Chinese Communist Youth League has always been united with the party and struggled with the party, united and led the youth of the league members to write loyalty in the cause of the party and the people, sow youth on the journey of national rejuvenation, and engrave glory in history. It is in the annals of progress.” History and practice have fully proved that the Chinese Communist Youth League is worthy of being the vanguard of the Chinese youth movement, a loyal assistant of the party and a reliable reserve army.

Achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a historical relay race. At present, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period. The Chinese people are striving towards the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. On the new journey, the Communist Youth League must bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, bravely shoulder the mission of youth, better unite, organize, and mobilize the youth, and unite and lead the youth of the youth league members to grow into new people who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle. The good youth of the times use the energy and creativity of youth to stir up the surging tide of national rejuvenation, and use the wisdom and sweat of youth to work hard to create a better China!

Adhere to educating people for the party, and always become a political school that leads the ideological progress of Chinese youth. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “Chinese youth in the new era are more confident and self-improving, full of speculative spirit, and at the same time, they are also faced with the practical influence of various social trends of thought. I encountered ideological confusion with the larger self, the nation and the world.” The Communist Youth League must always maintain the political character of the party’s youth organization, firmly grasp the fundamental task of cultivating socialist builders and successors, and firmly adhere to the functional orientation of a political school from a political perspective, from an ideological perspective, and from the characteristics of youth. , Arm the youth with the party’s scientific theory, inspire the youth with the party’s original mission, guide the youth with the party’s glorious banner, shape the youth with the party’s fine style, and guide the youth in ideological baptism and practice. Ambition, backbone, and confidence, let the revolutionary fire be passed on from generation to generation.

Consciously take responsibility, and always become the vanguard of organizing the perpetual struggle of Chinese youth. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Youth are the most dynamic, most aggressive, and least conservative-minded groups in society, and they contain infinite power to transform the objective world and promote social progress.” The world has undergone great changes unseen in a century, and firmly focus on the main line of work around the center and serving the overall situation, unite and lead the youth of the League members to consciously obey the call of the party and the people, bear the “big man of the country” in mind, undertake missions and tasks, and go to the new era and new world to display their ambitions, Make achievements, strive to be a dream catcher of great ideals, strive to be a new force for great causes, and let youth bloom beautifully in the places where the motherland and the people need it most.

With the majority of young people in mind, it has always become the strongest bridge between the party and the youth. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “Only by continuously drawing nutrients and strength from the fertile soil of the youth, can the Communist Youth League become a trustworthy, reliable and caring person for the youth.” And the political responsibility of expanding the youth mass base under the Party’s governance has always been rooted in the young people, closely linked with the youth, and the young people’s hearts are closely linked with the Party, actively thinking about what the youth want and worrying about the youth. What is urgent is to provide real help to young people, so that the majority of young people can truly feel that the party’s care is around and right in front of them.

The courage to self-revolution has always become an advanced organization that closely follows the party and is at the forefront of the times. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Only if the Communist Youth League has the courage to make self-revolution, can it keep pace with the advancement of the times, youth development, and innovation in practice.” The development path of socialist groups with Chinese characteristics, explore new ideas and new models for the construction of grassroots organizations, strengthen self-construction with the spirit of reform and innovation and the style of strictness and pragmatism, in the all-round and high-standard forging, the Communist Youth League is full of high-spirited and progressive style of the times. .

(Editor: Zhou Luming)

This article is reproduced from: http://www.qstheory.cn/wp/2022-05/13/c_1128645779.htm
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