Raisen has received a new round of financing of tens of millions of yuan

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Recently, less than half a year from the closing of the last round of financing, Raysun, a provider of roadside sensing sensors and solutions, has completed a new round of financing of tens of millions of yuan. This round is jointly invested by Yijing Capital and Yongxin Ark.

Radar has been accumulated in the field of vehicle-road collaboration for many years. With its deep understanding of vehicle-road collaboration, it has effectively grasped the development trend of vehicle-road collaboration, and has established a strategic direction to focus on roadside perception since its inception. Based on independent research and development of core sensors, the industry’s first 4D Thunder Vision All-in-One has been launched recently.

Autonomous driving cannot only rely on the intelligence of a single vehicle. In fact, a single perception device can no longer meet the increasingly complex daily needs of traffic management. Through the roadside comprehensive solution, it provides a wider field of vision and longer distance assistance where the car side perceives blind spots. Data support, which will further promote the landing of autonomous driving.

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Yiou Yiou Investment Community Investment Network

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