Syntax Highlight – Adds code highlighting to macOS Quick Look, supports 100+ formats

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Syntax Highlight is a small tool that can add code highlighting function to macOS Quick View. It supports more than 100 formats. Just press space on the file to quickly preview the highlighted code. @Appinn

Syntax Highlight - 为 macOS 快速查看添加代码高亮功能,支持 100+ 格式

In another tool a few days ago: iPreview – Added source code, 3D models, mathematical formulas, compressed files and other file previews for macOS “Quick View” , @有double 叒叕 recommended this: Syntax Highlight is better to use Free and open source.

Syntax Highlight

It works out of the box. If it is not enabled, go to Settings > Extensions > Quicklook and check Syntax Highlight Quicklook Extension .

Then you can select the icon of the source code file and press the space to preview the code.

You can customize templates, rendering methods, fonts, sizes, etc., and most importantly, you can set different styles for different file formats:

Syntax Highlight - 为 macOS 快速查看添加代码高亮功能,支持 100+ 格式 1

You can also customize the template, modifying colors, font weights, and even CSS styles:

Syntax Highlight - 为 macOS 快速查看添加代码高亮功能,支持 100+ 格式 2

However, the green frog found that by default, there will be problems with line breaking, and I don’t know if it is an isolated case, and no solution has been found:

Syntax Highlight - 为 macOS 快速查看添加代码高亮功能,支持 100+ 格式 3

But the same file, iPreview works fine? But competition is always a good thing, and people use better products.



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