
Share a new type of unattended fraud

Original link: Almost got scammed by a liar , or took the initiative to take the bait… cause Today, for some reason, I randomly searched for a public code receiving platform on the Internet. After receiving the text message I wanted to use, I suddenly saw this message: NEW BlTMØ L0GlN || ||

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How to customize the endpoints of the Pagoda Amazon S3 cloud storage plugin

Original link: You can change the plug-in yourself if you know how to use Python! cause Last time I installed the pagoda panel with Koyeb and wrote some websites for testing on it, but because I like to modify it directly on the panel when I develop the website, basically there is no code

How to customize the endpoints of the Pagoda Amazon S3 cloud storage plugin Read More »

Build your own blog on Web3

Original link: It feels that Web3 can really be used by people today. cause Recently, I came across an interesting thing called xLog . I probably tried it. It is a project that uses smart contracts to operate and store metadata on a blockchain called Crossbell, and store the actual data on IPFS. .

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How to avoid malicious access to the origin site behind Cloudflare

Original link: Cloudflare is still very complete, we just don’t use it! cause A long time ago I wrote an article about how to easily find the origin IP behind Cloudflare . Although I knew at the time that setting a firewall whitelist can effectively solve such problems. However, as Cloudflare’s business becomes more

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Research on Privacy in the Internet

Original link: There is no right to protect privacy, we can protect it ourselves cause Some time ago, it can be said that it was the era of box leakage. Various organizations and companies are scrambling to send out their own user privacy data, so that to a certain extent, it can be said

Research on Privacy in the Internet Read More »