Solidot | 奇客

The AR dream of tech giants

Facebook announced it was shelving plans to release commercial AR (augmented reality) glasses less than nine months after its big foray into the metaverse. Alex Kipman, head of Microsoft’s AR project HoloLens, has left. Although Apple has always claimed to be bullish on AR, it did not mention any related products at its developer conference

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Researchers disclose side-channel attack Hertzbleed against x86 CPUs

Researchers at Illinois Champaign (UIUC), UT Austin, and the University of Washington have disclosed a new side-channel attack targeting x86 CPUs, which they named Hertzbleed and created a logo to highlight its severity. Hertzbleed takes advantage of the dynamic frequency scaling of modern x86 processors. The frequency of the CPU will vary depending on the

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Scientists make cement from waste

Scientists have discovered a way to produce bio-cement from waste , offering a greener and more sustainable alternative to conventional cement. Biocement is a renewable cement that uses bacteria to create a hardening reaction that binds the soil into a solid mass. Scientists at NTU have now made biocement from two common fertilizers: industrial carbide

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Scientists make cement from waste

Scientists have discovered a way to produce bio-cement from waste , offering a greener and more sustainable alternative to conventional cement. Biocement is a renewable cement that uses bacteria to create a hardening reaction that binds the soil into a solid mass. Scientists at NTU have now made biocement from two common fertilizers: industrial carbide

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