June Trivia

Original link: https://www.duanxiansen.com/1342.html

This summer is even worse than in previous years. It is too hot to work normally. Fortunately, there is no major business during this time, and it is basically spent naturally.

The screen window Xiaobao bought was very useful, and she couldn’t figure out how she spent the summer last year. Since the screens were installed, the windows have basically been left open, so that the house has a layer of soil on it basically every other day.

Our leader has changed. The new leader is quite good and appreciates me. He let me practice writing materials, and he will recommend it when I have the opportunity. To be honest, the previous leaders were OK, but compared to this, I still like this one.

I watched two TV dramas this month, and it is true that I saw them on Douyin and followed them. “Police Honor” and “The Way Love Should Be” are almost all based on actresses, haha, superficial.

Tencent Cloud Lightweight expired a few days ago, and I didn’t care about it for a few days, so that I needed to renew the fee to back up the data, so I had to renew the fee for a month.

Today, at the recommendation of Brother Linhai Prairie , I purchased a CloudCone VPS and migrated it in a few days.

Brother Linhai Prairie is very good. I relied on him to build the website at the beginning. Now he also offered to help when installing this vps. I am very grateful to him.

This article is reprinted from: https://www.duanxiansen.com/1342.html
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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