
How to work on a weak network without losing sessions? Remote work step-down gadget Tmux

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-09-30-16-23-38-tmux/ When writing a program, you need to temporarily put the secret key token into the environment variable. However, if you close the window, the session will be lost and the secret key token information will be destroyed. Some programs need to be debugged on the server side and check real-time logs. If […]

How to work on a weak network without losing sessions? Remote work step-down gadget Tmux Read More »

Opinions on the collection of three years’ income of programmers in a certain place in Hebei

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-09-27-12-28-38-remote-work/ What is Github? Git is a tool for programmers to manage code. Github is a programmer community based on Git and the largest programmer community in the world. The domain name is github.com, which stores the largest number of open source codes in the world, like an electronic library. Github provides a

Opinions on the collection of three years’ income of programmers in a certain place in Hebei Read More »

Sending content overseas, let ChatGPT translate Chinese Markdown content into a Chinese-English format

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-09-16-11-46-28-chatgpt-translate/ The environmental censorship of Chinese Internet content is becoming increasingly strict. For long-term development, I need to explore exporting my content overseas. The first step in exporting content overseas is to produce English content. My strategy is to use ChatGPT to convert previously written technical articles with solid content into Chinese-English bilingual

Sending content overseas, let ChatGPT translate Chinese Markdown content into a Chinese-English format Read More »

A tragedy caused by rm, it is recommended to use the trash-cli recycle bin to confirm twice before deleting the data.

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-09-13-13-14-39-trash-put/ I saw a forwarded chat record in a group today. In summary, it is the tragedy caused by rm, as follows: For individual webmasters, the risk of logging into the Linux server and running rm manually is still too high. After all, if the hand shakes, or If there is an extra

A tragedy caused by rm, it is recommended to use the trash-cli recycle bin to confirm twice before deleting the data. Read More »

“Raspberry Pi 4B Home Server Construction Guide” Issue 21: Install the open source remote desktop service rustdesk, the internal network is silky smooth, and the external network smoothly controls Windows, macOS, and Linux devices

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-09-12-09-51-24-rustdesk/ Some time ago, I transformed an old MacBook Pro into a video resource decoding host. “Raspberry Pi 4B Home Server Construction Guide” Issue 17: Raspberry Pi is used with an idle laptop with better performance to build an open source free jellyfin private theater https ://ift.tt/7WjSGuv , I want to access this

“Raspberry Pi 4B Home Server Construction Guide” Issue 21: Install the open source remote desktop service rustdesk, the internal network is silky smooth, and the external network smoothly controls Windows, macOS, and Linux devices Read More »

Tips to improve database security, use SSH with the open source DBeaver tool to connect to the database

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-09-10-16-24-21-mysql-dbeaver-ssh/ Some time ago, in order to reduce website running costs in the future, we built a Mysql Docker database, including a set of solutions for external links, data backup, data export, and data recovery. Detailed tutorial on installing Mysql in Docker mode on Ubuntu20.04 (supports external connections, maps data to physical disks,

Tips to improve database security, use SSH with the open source DBeaver tool to connect to the database Read More »

“Bilibili Wallpapers Second Wave” 432 wallpapers from Bilibili Wallpaper Girls

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/kr-000010-bilibili-wall-paper/ The wallpapers of Station B have been uploaded to Niu Kuai Chuan. Bilibili Wallpaper Station has recently added more than a dozen wallpapers, so I used the previous crawler program to crawl it again, made an incremental update, and added the updated 432 The wallpapers have been placed in Cow Express. Friends

“Bilibili Wallpapers Second Wave” 432 wallpapers from Bilibili Wallpaper Girls Read More »

“Icon Centering” Windows taskbar icon centering

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/soft-000021-center/ In the “Design Book for Everyone”, there are some very practical design rules. Among them, the most classic “Four Principles” are alignment, contrast, and intimacy. Repeat this principle of alignment. Left alignment will make the design Becoming refined Right-aligned will make the design more organized. Center-aligned will make the design more solemn.

“Icon Centering” Windows taskbar icon centering Read More »

How to choose between WordPress and Hexo when building a website from scratch

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/kr-000107/ How to get Hexo and WordPress? Hexo Hexo is a website building tool based on Node.js, which can be used to generate static websites. The best theme for Hexo is Next. Examples of Next theme usage effects https://ift.tt/HNrdaTj Next theme Download address: https://ift.tt/MkeugVs WordPress WordPress is a free website building program based

How to choose between WordPress and Hexo when building a website from scratch Read More »

How does a personal webmaster survive in the cracks after filing? V2 Fangyuan added cloudflare, Tianyi Cloud’s daily website violation calls finally stopped

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-09-07-11-30-00-cloudflare/ I recently migrated from Alibaba Cloud to Tianyi Cloud. Tianyi Cloud sent emails and called me every day to ask me to delete the content. Tianyi Cloud wanted to monitor whether the hosting and filing website had violation information, but he was too lazy to do it himself, so he outsourced it

How does a personal webmaster survive in the cracks after filing? V2 Fangyuan added cloudflare, Tianyi Cloud’s daily website violation calls finally stopped Read More »

V2 Fangyuan filing completed

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-08-23-restore-1692790471000/ title: V2 Fangyuan filing completed After 3 weeks of tossing, the V2 Fangyuan re-filing is finally completed! At present, this website has been migrated to Tianyi Cloud, with 10MB of bandwidth, which is twice as large as the original Alibaba Cloud’s 5MB bandwidth; the number of visitors Under certain circumstances, web pages

V2 Fangyuan filing completed Read More »

Install termux on Android, realize computer ssh login and configure oh my zsh

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-08-21-frp-termux-1692581460000/ title: Install termux on Android, realize computer ssh login and configure oh my zsh in github releas […] This article is transferred from: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-08-21-frp-termux-1692581460000/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Install termux on Android, realize computer ssh login and configure oh my zsh Read More »

Let Linux integrate into your life! The home server tossing guide “Raspberry Pi does not eat dust” series of articles has been updated with 20 articles!

Original link: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-08-19-pi-1692429742000/ title: Integrate Linux into life! Home server tossing guide “Raspberry Pi does not eat dust” series of articles has been updated with 20 articles! By 2023 […] This article is transferred from: https://v2fy.com/p/2023-08-19-pi-1692429742000/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Let Linux integrate into your life! The home server tossing guide “Raspberry Pi does not eat dust” series of articles has been updated with 20 articles! Read More »