Weibo: The personal homepage will be launched to display the comment function, which cannot be turned on or off by itself


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Pinwan news on August 22, according to the Weibo administrator, in order to further strengthen the governance of speech attacks and online violence, and create a friendly and healthy community atmosphere, the website launched “one-click protection” and “one-click proof” in the early stage. On the basis of the function, the function of displaying public comments published by users in public will be launched on the personal homepage in the near future, so as to encourage users to participate in content creation and interactive discussions more actively and friendly.

After the personal homepage display comment function is launched, the user’s public comments on Weibo published by media accounts and government affairs accounts will be regarded as public comment content in the public space and displayed on the user’s personal homepage.

According to the time when the user posted the comment, insert the original blog post of the comment and the specific content of the comment into the corresponding position on the microblog timeline of the user’s personal homepage, and at the time when the comment is displayed in the title, click the title to view all the comment content of the user.

When a user has commented on the same blog post multiple times, only the content of the last comment will be displayed on the home page of the personal homepage, and the second-level comment aggregation page will display the latest 3 comments of the user under this blog post; when the original blog post commented by the user is deleted or When the content of the user’s comment is deleted or is not public, the corresponding content will no longer be displayed on his personal homepage.

In addition, if the comment selection is enabled on Weibo, the comment will not be displayed on the personal homepage of the commenting user until the comment is reviewed and released by the blogger. After the comment is approved, it will be displayed on the personal homepage of the user. This feature is designed to encourage users to participate in public discussions more actively and kindly, and cannot be turned on or off by users .

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