April 2022

In this indie game recommended by 30,000 people, I reconcile with the protagonist’s past

When you are trapped by the past, do you keep your memories forever, or face the demons in your heart? Introduction A pitch-black light bulb, hanging from an endless height, radiated black light. Under the lamp, a little boy was lying on his back, with a doodle collection, a notebook, a stack of tissues, and […]

In this indie game recommended by 30,000 people, I reconcile with the protagonist’s past Read More »

SeeDAO completes Series A financing at $30 million valuation

SeeDAO is a DAO incubator, an organization that explores new production relationships for creators. Currently, 10 guilds, including translation guilds, investment research guilds, and product guilds, have been formed, aiming to help the birth of high-quality projects in terms of education, information, and activities. The company recently announced the completion of Series A financing at

SeeDAO completes Series A financing at $30 million valuation Read More »

Using Xdebug

introduction Debug is a programming ability, the sooner you learn the better. And Xdebug is the most powerful tool for debugging PHP, this article is to introduce how to use Xdebug . Install 1 pecl install xdebug Modify the default configuration of xdebug (optional): View the configuration file of php.ini : 1 php –ini View

Using Xdebug Read More »

A scheme for running a website with k8s cluster combined with public cloud function computing

foreword This article mainly introduces the ideas and directions, and does not involve operational details such as code. If in doubt, please discuss further. A little background first. The main body of my website is currently running on the k8s cluster, and the front end of the cluster is a public exit, a gateway implemented

A scheme for running a website with k8s cluster combined with public cloud function computing Read More »

missed the whole world

In advance, I wish my friends a happy May Day! What I’ve been thinking about recently: What I didn’t expect was that I thought that this epidemic would not affect me, a small town in the 18th tier, but a decision at the end of 2021 has kept me at home so far. Faced with

missed the whole world Read More »

Inst Calculator – Scientific calculator app that displays calculation process and results according to writing habits [iPhone]

Inst Calculator is a scientific calculator that displays calculation process and results according to writing habits. @Appinn From the Discovery Channel , self-recommended by developer @YvenChen : While possessing some features of professional scientific calculators, it focuses on the design of daily life and learning scenarios, bringing a wonderful combination of concise, smooth and efficient

Inst Calculator – Scientific calculator app that displays calculation process and results according to writing habits [iPhone] Read More »

Several early warblers compete to warm the trees, whose new swallows peck the spring mud

After the Qingming Festival, I unknowingly approached May Day. During this time, some things happened. There was quite a kind of unpleasant idea. I wanted to post something on the Moments, but I felt that it was not suitable, so I simply wrote it in the blog. . This article is reproduced from: https://www.hjljy.cn/articles/2022/04/29/1651217010850.html This

Several early warblers compete to warm the trees, whose new swallows peck the spring mud Read More »