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Read Wang Xiaobo in May 2023, interpersonal relationship, awakening, parenting… 16 books

Original link: I have read “Golden Age” before, but this time I have read all of Wang Xiaobo’s complete works. But I didn’t read the set from the same publishing house, so I don’t know if I really read it all. However, it doesn’t matter if it’s all incomplete. When reading Wang Xiaobo’s novels,

Read Wang Xiaobo in May 2023, interpersonal relationship, awakening, parenting… 16 books Read More »

New Dad’s Five-Year Plan | 308 The Awakening of the Family

Original link: Awakening Parenting Awakening Parenting People’s understanding of concepts is a very interesting thing. Then let me give you an example. A year ago, what did you want to tell me about karma, karma, etc. After receiving many years of school education, I would definitely think that you are another feudal superstitious head…and

New Dad’s Five-Year Plan | 308 The Awakening of the Family Read More »

Turning point 2320 | Ninth week of rerun

Original link: The running volume goal set for last week was 40 kilometers, and finally completed 44.5 kilometers. In fact, I planned to run a little more on Saturday, but it didn’t work out in the end. Lately I’m not motivated enough to do things myself. Especially at work. Take a deep breath, nothing.

Turning point 2320 | Ninth week of rerun Read More »

Turning point 2317 | The seventh week of rerunning

Original link: The longest distance planned for next week is 12 kilometers, and the total distance should be around 32-40 kilometers. The completion status is 12 kilometers and a total of 32.5 kilometers have been completed. It’s really beautifully done. Actually, I was sick on Wednesday. It should be something that came from a

Turning point 2317 | The seventh week of rerunning Read More »

2023 April Reading Feynman, Navarre, Jung, Communication, Life and Death…

Original link: Feynman said: “If you can’t explain a concept to others, then you don’t really understand it.” However, in his autobiography, there is nothing serious about his Nobel Prize, but takes you into His life of play and joy. Naval, earn enough wealth, and then share with us how to create wealth and

2023 April Reading Feynman, Navarre, Jung, Communication, Life and Death… Read More »

Turning point 2317 | The sixth week of rerunning

Original link: Last week’s plan was “the longest distance is 10 kilometers, and the total distance is 32 to 40 kilometers.” Actually completed the longest 9 kilometers, and ran a total of 29.6 kilometers. Because it is a rerun for the purpose of controlling ambition, it is commendable to run less. Lower your mileage

Turning point 2317 | The sixth week of rerunning Read More »