
Humans’ ability to distinguish between advantages and avoid disadvantages has been written into genes

Original link: The importance of relationships It is very insightful to listen to Professor Ma Xiao’s talk about “In the battle for high-speed rail, why some places are successful, but others are not”: Political science studies the rules for the allocation of scarce resources. KPI assessment is the root of the efficient operation of […]

Humans’ ability to distinguish between advantages and avoid disadvantages has been written into genes Read More »

Uncle and Uncle’s Fiancé

Original link: In recent days, I have been busy with the trivialities of life and a few taels of silver, and rarely hear about the world. In the communication with friends, I heard about the uncle in Jiangxi, the second uncle in Hebei and the fiance in Beijing. Couldn’t help but babble a few

Uncle and Uncle’s Fiancé Read More »

Coming soon

Original link: This is a brand new site that’s just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you’d like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published! This article is reprinted from: This site is for inclusion

Coming soon Read More »

Uncle and Uncle’s Fiancé

Original link: In recent days, I have been busy with the trivialities of life and a few taels of silver, and rarely hear about the world. In the communication with friends, I heard about the uncle in Jiangxi, the second uncle in Hebei and the fiance in Beijing. Couldn’t help but babble a few

Uncle and Uncle’s Fiancé Read More »

Three major directions of Web3

Original link: Marc Andreessen, founder of A16Z, believes that A-Artificial Intelligence (AI), B-Biotech (Biotech) and C-Cryptocurrency (crypto) and Web3 are the three major technology directions in the future. Among them, Web3, as an important direction in the current encryption field, has attracted the attention of many technology companies. Facebook even changed its name to

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In reality, there is no food to eat, and the virtual currency returns to zero

Original link: There are two events this week that deserve attention. The first is to strictly investigate the case of cutting wheat for silage in many places. In the past, farms used alfalfa as fodder, and corn stalks as silage. This year, wheat was cut for silage in some places. Rice, corn and wheat

In reality, there is no food to eat, and the virtual currency returns to zero Read More »

The boss himself went to work

Original link: After the May 1st holiday, I actually only had three days of work, but I felt that the time was very long. Before May 1st, all arrangements were pushed to after the festival on the grounds of “waiting for the epidemic to pass” and “waiting for May 1st”. Unexpectedly, after the holiday,

The boss himself went to work Read More »

Buffett’s Apple

Original link: Among the top 15 stock holdings in 2021 announced in the 2022 letter to shareholders, Berkshire Hathaway holds 908 million shares of Apple, unchanged from the end of 2020. In his letter, Buffett praised Cook as “a wonderful person.” At this year’s shareholders meeting, Buffett said that he is still interested in

Buffett’s Apple Read More »

hold on to this thing

Original link: Today, I listened to the latest issue of the Blockchain Intelligence Bureau. At the end of the program, the host said that in order to ensure the quality of the program, it will not be updated regularly in the future. Then I remembered that at this time last year, the quality of

hold on to this thing Read More »

The boss himself went to work

After the May 1st holiday, I actually only had three days of work, but I felt that the time was very long. Before May 1st, all arrangements were pushed to after the festival on the grounds of “waiting for the epidemic to pass” and “waiting for May 1st”. Unexpectedly, after the holiday, the executives made

The boss himself went to work Read More »